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The Anti-Asian Heat Situation Under the Pandemic

Essay Instructions:

DOC 3 Final Research Paper Rubric 



(A range)


(B range)


(C range)



Written Abstract

Clear, concise abstract persuasively captures attention of intended

audience (future students), and persuasively

communicates significance of problem researched and

urgency of call to action.

Abstract captures attention of intended audience (future

students), and communicates significance of problem researched and urgency of

call to action.

Offers an overview of writer’s research project, but

appropriateness for intended audience and/or communication of

significance of problem researched and/or urgency of call to action may be lacking.

Difficult to identify or no identifiable abstract of writer’s research project.

Visual Abstract

Clear, concise visual persuasively captures attention of intended

audience (future students), and persuasively

communicates significance of problem researched and

urgency of call to action.

Clear visual captures attention of intended

audience (future students), and communicates significance of problem researched and urgency of call to action.

Offers a visual representation of writer’s research project, but appropriateness for

intended audience and/or communication of significance of problem

researched and/or urgency of call to action may be lacking.

Difficult to identify or no identifiable visual representation of writer’s research project.


Presents a specific and concise research question; persuasively explains how research findings shaped

proposed intervention;

convincingly utilizes an

intersectional framework to analyze why/how question is significant and for whom.

Presents a specific research question; states how research

findings shaped proposed intervention; suggests an intersectional framework when analyzing why/how

question is significant and for whom.

Offers a research question; suggests how research findings shaped proposed

intervention; mentions an

intersectional framework and significance of question but may be unclear, vague, overly general, and/or unconvincing.

Difficult to identify a research question or how research findings shaped proposed

intervention; no identifiable attempt to engage with an intersectional framework.

Description of Problem

Thorough use of evidence from credible sources to comprehensively describe

problem researched and how it is/has been addressed on campus; description is

grounded in an intersectional framework and is effective for intended audience: future


Appropriate use of evidence from sources to describe

problem and how it is/has been addressed on campus; description suggests an

intersectional framework and is appropriate for intended


Refers to evidence from sources to describe problem but may be unclear, vague, and/or overly general as to: how problem is/has been

addressed on campus; how intersectional framework is being applied; and/or who

writer’s intended audience is.

Difficult to identify

description of problem; vague or overly generally discussion of how problem

is/has already been addressed on campus;

difficult to identify

intersectional framework and/or audience being


Argument for

Proposed Action

Convincing, clear, concise

statement of proposed

intervention and how it will impact problem researched; comprehensively describes how research supports

proposed intervention; centralizes an intersectional framework and bottom-up actions future students can take to enact writer’s vision.

Clear statement of proposed action and how it addresses problem researched;

describes how research supports proposed

intervention; considers intersectionality and

bottom-up actions future students can take.

Suggests how proposed intervention addresses

problem researched and how research supports proposed intervention, but argument

might be vague, overly general, or demonstrate a weak understanding of

intersectionality and

bottom-up actions future students can take.

Difficult to identify proposed intervention and how it

addresses problem researched and/or how research supports proposed intervention; no identifiable engagement with

intersectionality and/or bottom up actions future students can take.

Research Sources

5-10 credible and varied sources correctly cited and referenced in APA format

throughout paper; at least 2 are peer-reviewed and any DOC sources are highly relevant.

5-10 appropriate sources correctly cited and referenced in APA format

throughout paper; at least 2 are peer-reviewed and any DOC sources are relevant.

5-10 sources inconsistently and/or unconvincingly cited

in paper; outside sources may be of questionable credibility;

DOC sources may be tangentially related.

Difficult to identify the required number of sources

and/or no identifiable outside sources or DOC sources used.


Organization & Style

Paper structure and style exceed expectations of target audience (future students): consistent transitions guide readers logically through

paper; writing fully adheres to idiomatic, syntactic,

grammatical conventions of academic writing modeled in DOC readings.

Paper structure and style fit expectations of target

audience: transitions guide readers through proposal; writing generally adheres to idiomatic, syntactic,

grammatical conventions of academic writing modeled in DOC readings.

Paragraphs inconsistently relate to each other; missing, unclear, or misleading

transitions hinder readers’ ability to follow paper’s logic;

writing deviates from idiomatic, syntactic,

grammatical conventions of academic writing modeled in DOC readings.

Difficult to identify structure to paper; no identifiable

transitions/may read like stream of consciousness/ make logical jumps; writing

deviates from idiomatic, syntactic, grammatical conventions of academic writing as modeled in DOC readings.

Academic Ethos

Persuasively-integrated, consistent, APA- appropriate citation practice; correct required formatting; paper effectively meets word count.

Consistent, APA- appropriate citation practice; correct required formatting; paper meets word count.

Awkward or occasionally inappropriate APA citation

practice and/or formatting, and/or paper barely meets word count.

No consistent citation practice, clear formatting

issues, and/or paper does not meet word count.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Anti-Asian Heat Situation Under the Pandemic
Name of Student:
Due date:
The Anti-Asian Heat Situation Under the Pandemic
According to Pew Research Lab (Edwards, Lopez & Ruiz, April 21, 2021), about a third of Asian-Americans have manifested anxiety of physical aggression, threats and many argue that ferocity against them is upsurging. Some Asian participants reported that vehemence against their ethnic group in the United States is rising, and they gave some of the underlying reasons for the increment of such discrimination. It was conferring to an open-ended questionnaire where several partakers were involved in responding to personal perception. About 20 percent blamed the former President, Donald Trump, based on his past pomposity arguments concerning the virus's origin. Though China specifically was the source of the Covid-19 epidemic. Trump's chauvinistic comments by branding the coronavirus 2019 realized the "Chinese flu" as one of the causes of the increase in ferocity.
Correspondingly, one of the actions that can propose against racial aggression and ferocity against Asians and any other marginalized group is to volunteer in community service to support fellow protestors (Chiang, 2020). The volunteer support can either be in the form of materials or physically participating in the group protest against racism. Consequently, protesting against racism will normalize discrimination, and the majority White shall realize the relevance of equality (Haavisto, 2019). The pro-racists will, thus, view each American as a significant contributor to society and nation-building. Therefore, the life post-pandemic life will demonstrate the need for national reconciliation and cohesion instead of discrimination against other ethnic groups. Also, the plague manifested numerous weaknesses in the economy and emerging technologies. Hence, the post-pandemic life should be embraced and appreciated by humanity, including the sole reason for participation in civilization.
Since the Coronavirus 2019, people of Asian origin have faced several allegations and have been blamed for the invasion of the deadly disease. Amid extensive discoveries of aggression and prejudice against Americans of Asian ancestry under the heat of the Covid-19 eruption, approximately 32 percent of Asian grown-ups admitted that they were anxious that an individual would attack them. The form of aggression has been thought to be either physically or threaten—a higher proportion than other ethnic or racial subsections in the United States (Edwards, Lopez & Ruiz, April 21, 2021). Some cited many reasons backing the rise in fierceness against Asian persons in the United States. A respondent reported that the four-year term of Trump's regime had stabilized aggression and racism. However, Trump's repeated instance of censuring Asians for the Covid-19 pandemic has permitted various groups to victimize Asians amenably.
Thus, individuals can acquire the best skills on how to be anti-racist in society actively. An example of the ways is combating micro-hostilities and threats in the workplace. The government can also encourage learning institutions to embrace diversity by integrating it into the curriculum. Members of the society can as well utilize digital platforms like Facebook or Twitter to promote anti-racism. Parents similarly can play an active role in enhancing peace by educating their children regarding the negative impacts of racism and eradicating it from our backyards. However, the battle against racism contributes immensely to creating a peaceful environment conducive to socio-economic growth. Therefore, this literature intends to clarify some of the discoveries based on the anti-Asian heat situation during the pandemic--contributors and the impacts of such action. The paper shall also touch on the best approaches against racism, including its significance in society.
Literature Review
There is a serious concern on how anti-Asian aggression has endured for the past months since the outbreak of the Covid-19. Unfortunately, the massive mainstream of Asian grown-ups, about 81 percent, similarly reported that ferocity in contradiction of them is surging, far exceptional the proportion of entire American senior citizens of 56 percent who admit a similar scenario, as per the records of Pew Research Center study. A Pew Research Center investigation participant once mentioned that Asian-Americans are being blamed for the pandemic, with the irrational judgment that they brought the virus to the United States (Edwards, Lopez & Ruiz, April 21, 2021). Also, a third participant cited that the conglomeration of the Covid-19 reports and its sources in China tied with discussions concerning racial disparity. However, currently, Asians are never acknowledged as Black people since they are viewed as the classical marginal group, though similarly are visualized as foreign while considering that people of Asian ancestry do not belong in the White category.
Moreover, the Federal Bureau of Investigation once warned that there might be emerging abhorrence crimes against Asian-Americans at the beginning of the pandemic. Fortunately, the expected hate aggressions rose massively and surpassing ever recorded data before the pandemic. Coincidentally, an old Asian (Thai) immigrant died after facing extreme aggression by being pushed to the ground (Cabral, May 21, 2021). There have also been several incidences of violence against people of Asian origin under the heat of the pandemic. In another incident, a Chinese female was slapped and later burnt mercilessly. About eight individuals of Asian ancestry were murdered in a gunshot rampage crosswise three Asian sanatoria in a night. Such incidences happened in just a year since the outburst of the coronavirus. Besides, there have been numerous reports solely based on anti-Asian heat during the plague. The mortality cases have been discovered to be caused by various forms of hostility, from verbal harassment and spatting to violent and physical at...
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