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The Analysis of This Perfect Day using a Critical Lens

Essay Instructions:

Please write an analysis of This Perfect Day using a critical lens.

1. Please critique the work using one lens.

2. Please place your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

3. Your first body paragraph should introduce your lens. Then refine your lens. By this, I mean focus your lens on the specific things that you are focusing on in the work.

4. In your body paragraphs, your topic sentences should be related to the work + lens.

5. Your paper should include your own analysis as well as research. The research should be about your lens. The analysis of the work should be your own. (In other words, research your lens

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Analysis of This Perfect Day using a Critical Lens A controlled society can be oppressive and draining. Chaos can result from a civilization that rules what people should or should not do. In the book This Perfect Day by Ira Levin, the characters live in a society that tells where they will live, what they will eat, who they will marry, and when they will bore a child (Levin, 2010). The society they live in aims for equality; however, as the story progresses, the hidden motive for power is revealed. The main character, Chip, is the one who first began to challenge this system. He realizes that there are more incredible things than obeying their leaders’ orders and that they are all motivated by a desire for power. Marxism plays an integral part in the story, establishing the main character’s awareness of his class, differentiation, and social struggle. Through this lens, the readers can see that the ideologies of the society are meant to harm its people.
Marxism applies not only to the story’s main character but also to all the characters and is observed in most parts of the story. Marxism is a philosophy developed by Karl Marx. It mainly focuses on various classes and their struggles (Sayers, 2021). Marxists believe that a classless society brings peace and prosperity, which will be achieved if capitalist ideologies are abolished; however, it is challenging to accomplish this since people are already used in a capitalist society. Hence, there will always be a struggle between classes – a prosperous and powerful class and a needy and helpless class.
Marxism is evident in the author’s fictional society. It is a society governed by a computer called “UniComp” or “Uni,” which keeps an eye on its citizens and ensures they all abide by the law. Drugs are utilized to keep the public in the dark about what is happening around them and keep peace and order. Once a person has received their medication for the month, they will continue to be compliant and cooperative. Everyone also wears a bracelet that serves as their identification. These bracelets are scanned to determine which activities a person is permitted to participate in. In addition, the people in this place have no right to decide for themselves since Uni determines their fate from birth until death. In times wherein one commits a mistake, it will be reported weekly. And there are assigned mentors for everyone that can assist them if an unwanted situation occurs. At the story’s beginning, Chip learns the word “incurable.” It is a forbidden word since it connotes a negative meaning, and Chip was too young to know about it. Chip’s mother is worried, so she rushed to call Bob, “…I'm going to call Bob. He’ll explain it to you.” Bob is the assigned mentor for Chip, and he explains that the word no longer exists and is essential, so he just asked Chip to forget it. Once he finished talking to Chip, Bob claims that people must offer praises and thanks to Uni (Levin, 2010). Marxism is recognizable here because there is a class struggle. They may not realize it because they are drugged, but society’s treatment of them is highly unjust. Moreover, if society considers people, society will no longer need drugs to control its people's lives. Therefore, the citizens are the victims.
Marxism is also evident in Chip’s childhood and adolescence. Chip’s grandfather has played a vital role in raising him, and everyone knows that Chip is a different child. Aside from Chip’s different eye colors, he also has another way of thinking. His grandfather taught him games and things that allowed his creative and imaginative mind to work. There was a time when his grandfather brought him into a restricted area, “Chip loo...
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