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Essay Instructions:

Each Report should be around 1500 words not including any bibliography and citations. Note that the specific directions and requirements for these reports/papers in the Conferences may vary from the general guidelines below. Report/Paper # 1 focuses on: defining terrorism and other words and terms [state, constitution, anarchists, political violence, tyranny, propaganda by the deed, war, state terrorism, etc.] is it just a polemical term? do we define it narrowly or more broadly in some other fashion? what is the purpose of terrorism? what are its origins? its organization? strategy of terrorism? who is a terrorist? what does historian George David Rappaport describe as the four modern waves of terrorism? http://www(dot)international(dot)ucla(dot)edu/media/files/Rapoport-Four-Waves-of-Modern-Terrorism.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Definition of Terms in Relation to Terrorism
When it comes to terrorism, an exact definition does not exist. It is a term that elicits many critics and support at the same time depending on who is defining it and who it is being referred to. However, according to the oxford dictionary, terrorism is the violence act against a certain group for political, religious, or military purpose. The victims are never the intended target of such attacks, but the psychological and reaction of a third party is what the main goal is usually. These victims are always defenseless, and the element of surprise is what the terrorists count on in pushing forward their agendas.
Thus in relation to this term, other words related to it shall be defined such as state, constitution, anarchists, political violence, tyranny, propaganda of deeds, war and state terrorism. A state is a way of rule over a predefined sovereign territory while a constitution can be described as a set of rules and regulations that guide the way in which the state is ruled. However, when it comes to anarchists, these people believe and push for policy in which there is existence of stateless societies (Blin & Chaliand, 2007). To them, states are unnecessary and pose great danger to the people hence the push for social independence with no hierarchical organization of power.
While still on term definition, political violence involves the use of violence on the part of either the government or its people against the government. In the case of the government, the administration may use violence to intimidate its citizens into submissiveness especially in a dictatorial regime. On the other hand, citizens may use violence to express frustration against their government (Dyson, 2012). Such people usually view this as the only option on which a certain regime can hear their plight and no other form of dialogue can work there. This is common in a tyranny country where only one individual; usually the ruler has absolute power. Finally, when it comes to propaganda of deeds it involves the use of either verbal or non-verbal political action meant to exemplify others. This can result in war i.e. a conflict between citizens and country or country and country for a prolonged time. The result of such can be state terrorism that would be the actions of terrorism by the state against its people or another state.
Is terrorism just a polemical term?
From the various definitions of terms related to terrorism, it can be agreed upon that it is a term that is controversial. It entails issues that cannot be agreed upon by all people because it depends on who is tackling it and as such can be biased due to conflict of interest. Thus, terrorism cannot be narrowly defined but for a full understanding of the same, a broad and wider definition involving other related terms needs to be used.
Purpose of Terrorism
When it comes to terrorism and the ideas its perpetrators want to push, certain things stand out. The most obvious and intent of terrorism is to intimidate and create fear. While most of the time, the victims of the attacks end up dead, the main target is the ones not at the scene of the attack. It may include government officials, citizens in that area of foreigners. Because terrorism creates fear, this act is usually executed to influence government policies such as freeing terror suspects that are behind bars or making a country withdraw its troops and military personnel from the country stated by the terrorist (Rapoport, n.d). This condition can be stated directly after the attack by threatening to continue with the same if their demands are not meant or indirectly by halting the economic growth of that country. This can be through continued attacks thus discouraging foreign investors from setting companies in the country to discouraging tourist from visiting the country.
The other purpose of terrorism is to punish a country...
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