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291 WA2 Assignment: Technology Replacing Humans In The Workforce

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment #2: Reflective Annotated Bibliography
Writing Assignment #2 will be a reflective annotated bibliography of 5-6 sources.Organization for the Reflective Annotated Bibliography
In this assignment you will
1. find 5-6 articles on a theme related to technology.
2. list each article in alphabetical order in APA format. In other words, you will list each on as an APA reference.
3. write a precis, a vocabulary section, a reflection, and a quotables section after each listing. More details that explain each of these sections are provided below.The Four Sections for Each Annotation
Part 1: The Precis: In this section, you will provide a descriptive summary of the material. To observe a video tutorial that takes you through the process of summarizing an article in a descriptive manner, click here.
You will want to include the author’s main claim in the article as well as any sub-claims. In addition, please include the types of evidence the author uses to support this claim, including what data/facts/evidence the author uses to justify the claims of the article. Finally, you will want to mention the interpretations that this author arrives at through the claims and evidence and the points or conclusions she presents. You may use the first-person point of view (“I”) in your precis.
Your precis for each article should be 100-150 words.
Part 2: Vocabulary: In this section, you will select key terms that were used in the article or words with which you were unfamiliar. You don’t need to include definitions of these terms; however, you should look up their definitions for your own benefit.
You should come up with 5-10 vocabulary terms for each article.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Technology Replacing Humans in the Workforce
Dvorsky, G. (2017). Robots are already replacing human works at an alarming rate. Gizmodo. Retrieved February 4, 2018 from https://gizmodo.com/robots-are-already-replacing-human-workers-at-an-alarmi-1793718198
Part 1: The Précis
Dvorsky gives readers a detailed description of how robots could replace humans in the workforce in the near future. From the article, it is indeed clear that robots are already replacing humans and like Dvorsky says, this is happening at an alarming rate. He provides evidence of his claims which seem credible and thus help to affirm his belief. Some of the evidence she provides includes percentiles and ratios. For example, he mentions that every robot that is introduced in the American jobs market helps to reduce or eliminate the need for 5.6 workers. Aside from the effects of robots, Dvorsky also mentions the imminent effect of artificial intelligence which together with robots could have adverse effects on employment. However, he is also keen to mention some of the ways the government can help with this situation while also including ideas from Bill Gates.
Part 2: Vocabulary:
* Artificial intelligence.
* Mitigate
* Autonomous
* Transformative effect
* Reprogrammable
Part 3: Reflection
I agree with what Dvorsky says in his article and am also worried at the prospect of lacking a job in the future. If currently people are lacking jobs because of robots and he mentions that it is not that bad because apparently the US has “relatively few robots,” one is left to wonder how economies will be in 10 or so years. However, one thing that Dvorsky fails to mention is how the robots will replace the almost and currently irreplaceable qualities like human judgment and intuition.
Part 4: Quotables:
1 “Each additional robot in the US economy reduces employment by 5.6 workers, and every robot that is added to the workforce per 1,000 human workers causes wages to drop by as much as 0.25 to 0.5 percent.”
2 “This form of automation could soon be joined by another driver of technological unemployment: artificial intelligence. According to an analysis by the International Data Corporation, virtually no job is safe.”
3 “Acemoglu and Restrepo estimate that overall, for every 1,000 workers, an additional robot reduces the employment-to-population ratio by 0.18 to 0.34 percentage points, while also reducing wages by 0.25 to 0.5 percent.”
4 “Experts predict that the stock of robots in the US will quadruple by 2025, jumping to 5.25 more robots per thousand workers (there are currently about 1.75 industrial robots in the US per 1,000 workers). This will serve to reduce the employment-to-population ratio by 0.94 to 1.76 percentage points, while resulting in 1.3 to 2.6 percent lower wage growth between 2015 and 2025.”
Martin, S. (2017). Robots to replace humans in all work within 120 years – and this is how they will do it. Sunday Express. Retrieved February 4, 2018 from /news/science/813327/artificial-intelligence-AI-robots-university-of-oxford
Part 1: The Précis
Martin is quick to point out when certain changes will happen in the world and is not subtle in his words when he states that indeed humans will be replaced in the near future. From his article, one gathers that artificial intelligence is indeed the major threat in the world and could end up replacing humans entirely in every aspect of work. His article is mainly based on a survey done on 350 academics and then computed by researchers at the University of Oxford. One surprising point he notes at the end of his article is that apparently, Asians are expecting the technology changes much earlier than the Americans.
Part 2: Vocabulary:
* Artificial intelligence.
* Automated.
* Driverless cars.
* Social consequences.
* Cyber-security.
Part 3: Reflection
Even though Martin presents his arguments well and also provides evidence of his claims, I am inclined to disagree with him. One of the reasons why I disagree with him is that I do not believe robots and artificial intelligence could ever replace the human prerogative. This entails decision-making, problem-solving skills, and the ability to adapt to situations and environments. The above are indeed quite hard to replicate and experts have mentioned this time and again as the chief problems of their research.
Part 4: Quotables:
1 “A ROBOT workforce will completely replace humans within 120 years according to scientists who have predicted exactly how they are doing it.”
2 “Experts believe artificial intelligence will be better at humans than playing simple games within seven years.”
3 “By 2027, the researchers state there is a good chance artificial intelligence will be winning the World Series Poker.”
4 “And by 2049, robots will be able to write a best selling book, with AI able to exceed performance of humans as surgeons just four years later.”
Nusca, A. (2017). Humans vs. Robots: How to thrive in an automated workplace. Fortune. Retrieved February 4, 2018 from http://fortune.com/2017/06/30/humans-robots-job-automation-workplace/
Part 1: The Précis
In her article, Nusca starts by asking rhetorical questions which she then directs to her panel of interviewees who provide readers with their take on the matter. Some of the ideas the interviewees present are quite informative and also help to further the debate of whether humans will indeed be replaced by robots and...
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