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Technology and the Development of Identity and the Nature of Personal Relationships

Essay Instructions:

English as Academic Discourse I Fall 2018 Paper Number Four 
Readings: Robin Dunbar.  “You Gotta Have (150)  Friends (267-270)
Christine Rosen.  “Virtual Friendship and the New Narcissism.” (260-270)
Stuart Wolpert “Crafting Your Image for Your 1,000 Friends on Facebook” (279-283) 
Due Dates:
Rough Draft Thursday 11/29—Bring at least one copy to class and submit your rough draft on SakaiFinal Draft: Monday 12/10–Submit your final draft on Sakai
Question:   We have read 3 articles dealing with the ways in which technology has transformed our ability to make and maintain relationships with friends, as well has how technology also helps us shape our sense of self. Wolpert notes that most teens experience identity formation and relationships, it is the nature of social networks that have enabled teens and others to experience these developments “in a more extreme way… more individualistic and more narcissistic” (280). Additionally, Rosen tells us that “Public friendship is an oxymoron” (263), while Dunbar asserts that it is difficult, if not impossible to have more than 150 friends. 
Has the growth of technology had a positive or negative impact on the development of identity and the nature of personal relationships with the new generation (middle school students through millennials) of technology users?
Consider how these individuals develop their sense of self and possibly seek others out who are like them, or who they might like to be. 
Your paper should be 5 pages, (1,500 WORDS) with a strong introductory paragraph, including a thesis.  You should follow that up with at least three paragraphs that will include quotations from the readings. Remember to work with quotations. You must use at least two different authors in your body paragraphs. Try to see relationships and connections between the readings, even if they are contrary to one another. How do these articles all inform or relate to one another. Your final paragraph should draw a conclusion and bring the paper to a resolution.  Refer to the syllabus for specifics about formatting your work.
Be confident and work hard.  Proofing your work with care will help you avoid careless spelling errors and make sure your punctuation is accurate.  Each draft should show improvement and errors from the previous draft need to be addressed.
Adapted from Prof. Akey

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Technology and the Development of Identity and the Nature of Personal Relationships
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Course Title
Technology and the Development of Identity and the Nature of Personal Relationships
The explosion of social media platforms such as Facebook has revolutionized the way people relate to each other since the invention of the postal service that facilitated sending and receiving letters from family members and loved ones. These changes have also been seen in the manner in which influential figures portrayed their existence through paintings to display their lives in terms of social standing. The portraits offer the self-seeking and self-expression and display a sense of modesty, egotism, self-mockery, and self-aggrandizement (Rosen, 2007). Today, according to Rosen (2007), self-portraits have become digital and democratic. Instead of paintings that were made using paint, these portraits are made out of pixels and are posted on social media platforms such as Facebook. However, according to Dunbar (2010), this revolution has been characterized by unique attributes that are somewhat unexpected among users. While social media sites have allowed users to have thousands of followers, otherwise known as "friends", they are yet to find a way to expand the true social circle of human relationship. Rosen (2007) also contends that while social networking sites are at their infancy, there are a number of cultural influences, including in language, political, and learning institutions. Issues surrounding authenticity, privacy, identity, and community are yet to be understood and addressed when using these social sites. Dunbar (2010) argues that despite the many friends that people make on Facebook, they can only maintain a small circle of actual friends. This limitation is not caused by technology, but the biological and social nature of humans. Facebook, however, provides "a way to maintain those circles in a fractured, dynamic world." This paper argues that the growth of technology has had a negative impact on the development of identity and the nature of the personal relationship with the new generation of technology users.
The successes of social networking sites have been mainly to remove the constraints of time invested in relationships. According to Dunbar (2010), individuals spend 40 percent of their social time meeting at most five important people they know in their lives each week. This number of people only account for only 3 percent of peoples’ social word, which is an extremely small proportion of the total number of people in the world today. Time spent in relationship will tend to define the quality of such relationship, and according to Dunbar (2010), having more than five best friends is impossible when we interact face to face, one person at a time.” the irony with Facebook instant messaging is that people can share their interaction with as many people as they like at an instant. Dunbar (2010) compares such a communication approach to the proverbial lighthouse, which blinks, on the horizon to spread light on any passing ship. Although users of social networking sites can "broadcast" their feeling to multiple people across the network, the strength of such a relationship is always low. However, Rosen (2007) presents a contrary argument citing a 1973 essay “The Strength of Weak Ties” by Mark Granovetter. In the essay, Granovetter makes an argument that “weaker relationships, such as those we form with colleagues at work or minor acquaintances, were more useful in spreading certain kinds of information than networks of close friends and family.” This disagreement has been the cause of disagreement in regards to whom people should share their thoughts and emotions. Online relationships are always weak, but users tend to share their status updates where friends can comment or hit the “Like” or “Dislike” button.
Social networking sites have redefined the meaning of friendship than the traditional reference of what friends are. Rosen (2007) presents this case of forming online relationships with numerous friends on social media platforms such as Facebook, MySpace, and Orkut. The psychology of online relationships echoes the Spanish proverb that says, “Life without a friend is death without a witness.” Social media users seek to create as many friends as possible, but the fact remains that such friendship cannot be compared with a traditional friendship where people meet face to face. Rosen (2007) relates to the Spanish proverb by giving an equivalent quote saying, &ldq...
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