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Technology and Reading Skills or Reading Habits

Essay Instructions:

Writing assignment #3 will be an essay in which you incorporate at least six sources to support an argument. You may write on the same topic that you wrote on for writing assignment #2; however, you may be asked to adjust the topic in some direction in order to write a more successful research paper. In addition, of course, you will expand on the number of sources you use to defend your argument.

How Technology is Changing the Place of Literature

Outline for the essay

The essay should have the following elements:

an engaging introductory paragraph. You might even want to cite sources in the opening paragraph to make your opening engaging to the reader.

an effective and clear thesis statement

a statement of definitions and background on the topic on which you are writing. 

You will want to define any terms necessary for the reader.

You may want to provide a historical background on your topic.

unified, supported, and coherent body paragraphs that defend the thesis

sources cited throughout the body paragraphs that support the arguments in the paper

an effective conclusion

a “references” page that lists the sources cited. The references should be listed in APA format.

The sources and citation format for this essay

You are required to use at least six sources for this essay. 

At least three sources are to come from scholarly journals.

Keep in mind that if the sources are scholarly, the argument you make in the paper will be more persuasive. For this reason, feel free to use all scholarly sources if you can.

In addition, please feel free to cite more than six sources. You may find that seven or eight sources (or more) are necessary to establish your argument and defend your thesis. Please do not feel limited to using only six sources. Use more if you would like to or need to.

Please cite your sources and list them at the end of your paper using APA format.


1500-1700 words

Attached is my assignment #2 so if it could please stay somewhat in line with that one.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The impact of certain forms of technology on reading skills or reading habits
Course title:
The impact of certain forms of technology on reading skills or reading habits
In recent times, there has been some debate regarding the negative impact that technology could have over students’ habits of reading. Some argue supporting this and assert that the internet is currently being utilized to seek information and that the habit of careful and slow reading for understanding is certainly declining. Technology has been significantly integrated into people’s lives over the last few decades. The greatest impact of technology is perhaps on the transfer of information. The usual, conventional method that is used to transfer information – via printed documents – has started to be replaced by online data. Inevitably, this change has affected the way people read (Loan, 2012). This paper provides an exhaustive discussion of the impact that certain types of technology have on reading skills or reading habits.
Technology is defined as scientific knowledge that is applied for practical purposes, particularly in solving problems or inventing helpful tools (William, 2011). Reading is an imperative tool for lasting and lifelong learning. It is actually essential for everybody to develop the rudiments and culture of reading since reading skills are very important in life. Reading is recognized as the springboard of any literacy program as it gives students an active place and puts them at the centre of the curriculum and pedagogy (Shen, 2010). In essence, reading is an indispensable and imperative equipment for learning and acquisition of diverse experiences and skills that an individual actually requires in order to develop a satisfactory personal life. Akarsu and Danyemez (2014) noted that learners need to develop positive attitudes toward reading of books as a lasting and life-long learning experience.
In higher learning environments, reading is valued as an imperative academic language skill for foreign and second language learners. Through learning, learners get to learn new information and become more proficient in their subject matters (Noor, 2011). People who have good reading habits have the opportunity of widening their mental horizons and multiplying their opportunities (Loan, 2012). In the current technologically changing and developing world, reading is of major importance in teaching people how they can cope with new knowledge. Reading increases quality of life, creates culture, and makes cultural heritage available (Loan, 2012).
As the scores of students in international reading skill tests are falling, a lot of opinions have attributed this fall to the web searching exercise. In essence, web searching exercise is thought to be the cause of decreased literacy levels, and of shortening students’ attention span. It is also thought as being the cause of devastating a long-standing culture of growing up with the books (Akarsu & Danyemez, 2014). It is notable that there lacks convincing evidence to show that web searches have resulted in decreased attention spans among learners just as there is conclusive evidence supporting the assertion that TV surfing, texting, and video games have actually contributed to and caused shortening attention span in learners. Even so, new parallels have been drawn towards the adverse consequences of technology on reducing reading habits in learners. Conversely, there is the increasing consciousness and understanding of the positive impact that technology could have in reading and on learning in general (Noor, 2011). There are a number of multimedia programmes, educational tools, and applications that could enhance writing, reading, as well as comprehension. Starting from the top, there are quite a few phonemic applications which could assist learners in starting word formation. Loan (2012) reported that combination of words, pronunciation and diction tools which use on-screen text and audio significantly aid student learning. When a student hears the voice over, proper pronunciation could actually be attained.
In addition, technology could have a positive effect in the students’ reading fluency. Researchers have reported that for learners to gain fluency in reading, they first need to understand words by hearing the word’s sound and then by recognizing the word (Akarsu & Danyemez, 2014). Educators can utilize a number of voice recognition software in recording the voice of students which could be played back for feedback. The original software sound track can be played to correct in-notations. All in all, these tools could be employed to make the task of the educator much easier. Moreover, in vocabulary development, technology could play a positive role. A number of online coaching in word building for ToEFL and GRE tests are available online. It is worth mentioning that these programmes provide word coaching and comprehension through everyday tests as well as interactive ways of assessing performance (Shen, 2010). Virtually every aspect of reading and language development including vocabulary, comprehension, word building and phonetic could be aided successfully by the use of technology. Even though some video games do not enhance intellectual development and some internet information might be objectionable, not all digital content has the same effect. Technology can be helpful in developing thoughtful, creative and active readers who are equipped with the strategies as well as skills to totally comprehend and grasp what is being read.
In their study, Igbokwe, Obidike and Ezeji (2013) examined how new technologies including t...
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