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Different Ways Of Teaching Children Right From Wrong

Essay Instructions:

Discuss different ways that you were taught right from wrong as a child. Using behavior theory, classify these techniques as positive rewards, negative rewards, positive punishment or negative punishment. Which of the four types of rewards and punishments seemed to be the most effective, explain your answer? Would you do anything different with your children, why or why not?


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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Different Ways Of Teaching Children Right From Wrong
Different ways of teaching children right from wrong
Parents use different forms of discipline to teach children how to behave appropriately. Disciplinary techniques used by parents vary, parents might use both positive and negative ways to discourage inappropriate behavior and also gain compliance from their children. Like many parents, my parents wanted to instill the right values and protect us from other negative social influences, laying a good foundation for us.
My parents used several methods of discipline to control our behavior and teach us what is right and wrong. For example, one of the most interesting methods was to use folktales to keep us away from trouble. The story of Jenny Greenteeth is about a famous water hag, who lived in water bodies. Jenny is known to have long arms that dragged and drowned children who played around the pits and nearby lakes. This is an example of several folktales used to keep us away from the nearby lake. My parents used this allegory to ensure that we did not play at the edges of rivers or lakes.
When I was child, time-outs was a common form of discipline used by my mother when we did something wrong. My parents had a designated corner in the kitchen where we could be forced to sit for an hour to think about how our behavior affected other people in the house. At the time my parents set some boundaries and made rules, including the consequences of not following these rules, one of them being, not watching television for a whole week.
One of the most interesting forms of discipline was being denied some privileges or rewarded to either discourage or reinforce certain behavior. When our behavior got out of hand, my parents used physical punishment like slapping because they placed a high value on obedience, because my parents believed in the common saying, spare the rod and spoil the child.
Classification of these techniques as, positive punishment or negative punishment
Among the many methods used by my parents, some can be classified as positive and negative punishment. For example, use of physical punishment is one of the negative forms of punishments, while timeouts, boundary setting, use of folktales and denying or giving us certain privileges are forms of positive punishments(Skinner, 2014). Physical punishment is the most controversial form of punishment, most parents believe that if children are slapped on the buttocks they will avoid repeating the same mistake (Gershoff & Grogan-Kaylor, 2016).
Physical punishment does not rein...
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