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Teachers As A Sources Of Inspiration In Our Lives

Essay Instructions:

BACKGROUND: What makes the difference between a class for which you have to force yourself to do the work and one that makes you want to do — and I earn — more?
What do some teachers do to get you excited about what you are learning?

ASSIGNMENT: Write an essay of 3lA -5 pages in which you answer this question: What techniques do effective teachers use to make students interested in learning?
(Specifically, what do teachers do to inspire/motivate their students?)

Suggestions: Your essay is about what teachers (in general) can do to inspire students; the essay is NOT about Jack Martens, Schalette Gudger, Shaka Green, Clyde McBride or Jaime Escalante as individuals.
You will use those teachers (and teachers you know personally) as examples to show how certain teaching techniques are successful in motivating and helping students to learn.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How Teachers inspire usNameInstitutional AffiliationDate Teachers as a Sources of Inspiration in our Lives It is of no doubt that teachers are one of the greatest sources of inspiration in our lives. Besides giving us the necessary knowledge that is needed in the career that you would like to pursue in the future, teachers offer life inspiration especially in the way in which they carry out their tasks or the way in which they talk to us. At a young age especially, one of the things that a learner is interested in is getting inspired each day and they need someone who will encourage them to work harder and recognize their efforts in whatever that they do. The paper contains the various ways through which teachers can inspire us in our lives. The examples below are drawn from the various sources that contain information on teachers who have inspired their students from different parts of the world. The argument that is presented in the paper is that teachers inspire the learners through passion and dedication, forming relationship and challenging the students. One of the aspects that can inspire learners is the passion and dedication that the teachers possess. A teacher who is always dedicated and has a passion for the work that they are doing will inspire the learners so that they can also be dedicated in any of the fields that they want to enroll themselves in the future. One of the best instances to illustrate this is Jack Martens from the text, From Cacophony to Harmony by Julie Guthrie. Martens who was 54 years old taught music for 33 years. For one to teach for such a long period of time, then they must have passion and dedication for their work. By being dedicated to his teaching work, Martens inspired the learners in that they should be dedicated to their future professions and provide the best to the community even though they retire. In the text, How a hand's high school veterinary program is enriching Navajo residents by Lisa Stark, the founder of the program Cylde Mcbride said that he was focused on enabling the students and the learners so that they can learn a number of veterinary services that can be used to improve their life. Besides, he also says that he encouraged and prepared the students to become what they want to become. He says, “We ignite the fire. We give them that passion. We give them that leadership. And whatever route they want to choose, then we support that route (Lisa, par. 2 p.19. Whichever the route that they want to take in their lives, McBride encouraged his students to take it. Like McBride and Martens, teachers should be dedicated in their teaching work to inspire learners to work hard in their lives. Hard work, which is essential in our lives, should be embraced by learners. Forming a relationship with the learners or a connection is also significant because it acts as a source of inspiration o the students and the students will see that the teacher cares for them. The learners come from families that have different backgrounds and in some instances, some of them may have lost their loved ones or they may need someone who will make them to feel cared. A teacher is one of the people who best fits this category since they are close to the students. We can see this from the instance of Mr. Marten, who was a music teacher in the text, “From Cacophony to Harmony”. In the article, M...
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