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A Synthesis Essay: Examine And Analyze Two Sources

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it must include two sources from either Ted talk or New York times.

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A Synthesis Essay
Leadership is an essential factor in the success of any organization or company and without it, there is no firm which may work or operate effectively. It is important to understand that organizations are established with an objective of attaining specific goals through a human group and it is therefore essential to direct and manage this group. Employees often look up to their leaders to guide them in accomplishing the organizational goals. Moreover, good leaders act as role models to their subordinates, motivate them and provide them with essential information which informs them about the current trends in the industry. Management and leadership are essential in determining the productivity of the employees and the success of the company. This paper will critically examine and analyze two sources which set out the qualities of a good leader.
The article “Good Versus Effective Leadership” by Ronald E. Riggio states that sometimes people make mistakes by equating an effective leader with a good leader. Ordinarily, a successful leader is one who accomplishes the goals of a company and also possesses good characters (Riggio, 2012). The author stipulates that a good leader should be responsible; he or she should respect the policies of an organization and should treat all employees fairly (Riggio, 2012). Additionally, leaders who are perceived as being good should understand how they may build and develop skills and talents of other staff members in the reorganizations (Riggio, 2012). Most notably, they should leave a company in a better state than they found it.
The second source is “What it takes to be a good leader” by Roselinde Torres which maintains that most of the leadership development programs used today are outdated; the strategies provided by these schemes are mainly based by success models for the past and they do not reflect the current and the future industries. According to Torres, for leaders to thrive and grow in the twenty-first century they should be able to anticipate changes in the industry and make decisions to prepare for these changes (Torres, 2013). Also, good leaders should learn and develop diversity in organizations; here they should be able to establish relationships with people with different biological, political, social and economic values. Lastly, good leaders should be ready to implement changes by abandoning past practices and impending what they believe is best for the company, they should be risk takers.
I strongly agree with the views of the two authors about the characteristic of a g...
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