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Swift’s A Modest Proposal. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

topic: Reading selection of Swift’s A Modest Proposal. The selection should be read in full at http://www(dot)victorianweb(dot)org/previctorian/swift/modest.html. It is essential to recognize the genre of this work, as discussed in our class text (pp. 781-3 in chap. 24), which you should consult and cite. The context is the plight of the very poor in Ireland in the early 1700s.

For the reading selection and topic you choose, your paper should cover the following:

Briefly introduce the writer and the situation that this reading is about. Identify the genre or nature of the reading.

Using specific examples or lines within the reading, suggest the author’s key views and key aims for the reading audience.

Evaluate the author’s strategy and what you see as the work’s likely effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) for the target audience. If there is any known historical result, discuss that.

Evaluate how the reading impacted you. Identify any analogous situations today, and also key lessons you get from the reading that could be relevant to one’s professional and personal life.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Explain how key social, cultural, and artistic contributions contribute to historical changes.

Explain the importance of situating a society’s cultural and artistic expressions within a historical context.

Examine the influences of intellectual, religious, political, and socio-economic forces on social, cultural, and artistic expressions.

Identify major historical developments in world cultures from the Renaissance to the contemporary period.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in the study of world cultures.

Write clearly and concisely about world cultures using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Swift’s A Modest Proposal
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Swift`s A Modest Proposal
In 1729, Jonathan Swift anonymously wrote and published an essay on the poor Irish families. A Modest Proposal has long been considered the best and finest example of satire in the world of literature. It was presented in the form of a pamphlet, which would never have attracted the attention of the world if the story was ordinary or fabricated. In fact, in this essay, the writer highlighted the problems of Ireland, claiming that the only way for the poor’s survival was selling their children to the rich and wealthy people. In Ireland, a large number of people were living a miserable life in the 17th century. Most of them did not have food for their families or money to meet their expenses. In such circumstances, the poor and needy people used to sell their kids, and this became a trend at that time (Oldenburg, 2014).
Eventually, this satirical hyperbole mocked negative behaviors and heartless attitudes toward Ireland. The way Jonathan Swift has written and presented this essay urged the British government to implement favorable strategies. A Modest Proposal proved to be a manifestation of his outrage at what he believed was a major political and economic issue that needed immediate media, public and government attention (Keeler, 2015). Throughout the essay, the writer has used harsh words to describe himself and to talk about the lifestyles of those poor. He has made the wise use of literalized metaphors and ironic techniques, as well as many examples, to share his thoughts and ideas. Is it fair to sell children for the sake of money? Unfortunately, no government or society permits it as this is against the ethical, religious and moral values. However, centuries ago, Irish peo...
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