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Summery of farm girl

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 1.1: Summary and Personal Response – Draft Version Due Week 3 and worth 60 points summarize the attached article.“Farm girl” by Hemauer Write a one and one-half to two (1½ - 2) page summary paper in which you: 1.Identify the source (writer and title of essay) and state his or her most important point in your own words. 2.Summarize the other main points and their supporting details in separate paragraphs. 3.Discuss the (1) writer's purpose, (2) genre, (3) audience, and (4) tone (attitude). 4.Describe your emotional response to the essay. 5.Use quotations, paraphrase, and summary correctly. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: -Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. -Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: -Recognize how to use quotations, paraphrase, and summary in the writing process. -Apply the writing process to develop various writing genres. -Write clearly and concisely about selected topics using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to access the rubric for this assignment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Short Summary of "Farm Girl" by Hamauer Ruth Embaye Professor Michael Gueltig January 19, 2012 "Farm Girl" by Hamaeur Jessica Hamaeur wrote ‘Farm Girl` as a form of her life history. Through the story, she describes how her siblings and she grew up on the farm. The reader gets to understand that the children were brought up by parents who had an eye for responsibility. Through the roles that the children had to play each day before and after school, the reader learns that the children were trained to be responsible at an early age; from primary school through to college (Hamaeur, n.d). From the essay, it can be inferred that the author aims at advising the parents on how to bring up their children as responsible adults. To achieve this, the author compares her life with those of her peers and brings out the con...
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