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Diane Bodurka-Bevers, Charlotte Sun, and David Gershenson

Essay Instructions:

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Summary of research findings
Institutional Affiliation
Ovarian Cancer
Article #1:
Authors: Diane Bodurka-Bevers, Charlotte Sun, and David Gershenson
Title: Pharmacoeconomic considerations in treating ovarian cancer
Journal: Pharmacoeconomic
Key terms: cervical cancer, diagnosis, economic cost, maximization of quality of life, recurrent disease.Focus of study: The study focuses on the study of ovarian cancer. It discusses its statistics, causes, and projections for the survival rate of individuals sick. It also describes the various methods of diagnosis, its stages and the different treatment options for ovarian cancer. Additionally, it discusses the financial issues attributed to illness and their effects on a patient (Bodurka-Bevers, Sun & Gershenson, 2000, p. 134-136).
Conclusions of the authors: Women who have ovarian cancer rarely heal due to the recurrence of the disease after treatment. However, treatment regimens such as paclitaxel are improving the outcomes of the ailment and helping more women attains the five-year survival rate.My observations: Ovarian cancer is a pernicious form of cancer to women. The inability for its diagnosis in the initial stages makes it impossible to heal. Moreover, it necessitates numerous medical checkups and procedures, making it equally expensive, and increasing the burden to a patient.
Article #2:
Authors: Anne Lanceley, Debby Fitgerald, Vikki Jones, Tracie Miles, Emma Elliott, Liz Darragh and Lisa Peck.
Title: Ovarian cancer: symptoms, treatment and long-term patient management
Journal: Primary Health CareKey terms: systems of Gynecology, patient support, treatment regiment, ovarian cancer, risk factors.
Focus of study: The articles confer about the risk factors and reasons why the disease is a silent killer. Additionally, it creates a vivid picture of the development of illness; the various treatment options present and the likely post-treatment problems. Moreover, it documents the needs of a patient during this stage and describes their implementation for a comfortable life (Lanceley, Fitzgerald, Jones, Miles, Elliott, Darragh & Peck, 2011, p. 31-32). Conclusions of the authors: Ovarian cancer continually causes more deaths due to lack of mechanisms for early detection and diagnosis. Advancement in research is underway to improve the success of the treatment. My observations: ovarian cancer is a disease that occurs in more than one form...
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