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Summary of Gendered Act Proposal

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Part 3 of Applied Final Project: Library Research Assignment
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Part 1: Performing the library search
Summary of Gendered Act proposal
Family responsibilities are inequitably distributed along gender lines. Thus, such duties feature disparities that could make one gender or partner more responsible in a particular class of roles than another. An act that proposes to re-engineer home-based responsibilities, household chores, and obligations would nurture more social equity and balance. The proposal encapsulating a that balances home-based responsibilities needs urgent refocus on consideration because the current system appears to overburden given gender based on engendered home responsibilities. The home responsibilities between men and women are often stereotyped, leading to widening inequities, including socio-economic overburdening of one gender. Thus, a proposed act comprising behaviors and steps that would promote relative equality in home responsibilities would improve society by inculcating inclusive and equitable participation in home-based duties, leading to a more balanced community free from role stereotyping. Through gendered act proposal as an example, instance, I would participate proactively with my wife in taking care of my children.
Description of scholarly article search
Scholar journals were sought in the University of Maryland Global Campus library. Through the library database, with time limitation between 2011 and 2021,2176 academic journals were identified after using key words “family gender roles” “duties,” and responsibilities. Two articles dealing with responsibilities along gender lines in families were picked. While searching for the articles, factors that revolve around responsibility disparities and burdens along gender lines in homes or families were considered. These articles include Effective factors of role conflict in women and its effect on family conflicts in Hamadan by (Balali et al. 2017) and What about the fathers? The presence and absence of the father in social work practice in England, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden by Nygren, K., Walsh, J., Ellingsen, I. T., & Christie, 2019).
Part 2: Evaluating Article 1: Effective factors of role conflict in women and its effect on family conflicts in Hamadan
Section 2: Evaluating Article 1: 
1 Read the article abstract, and in a 3-6 sentence paragraph, explain why you choose this source and how do you anticipate it will help inform your project? This article was chosen due to various reasons. First, it is relevant to the subject of the paper. It highlights the women’s roles, conflict in roles, and burden associated with labor division within families. Women are bestowed with greater responsibility and burden at the family level. Second, it is a scholarly source because it is peer-reviewed and has adopted rigorous methodology to advance its arguments.
2 Read the article's introduction and in one 3-6 sentence paragraph, answer the listed questions. What extra information have you learned? 
The article gives extra information that elucidates the gender proposal act by explaining the emerging changes in the face of the long-standing responsibility burden bestowed on women within the context of families. Balali et al. (2017) noted that women have to balance identity, status, and power with gendered family roles and responsibilities, often in conflict. Equally, psychological distancing from the spouse elicits tension, stress, and strain when work-life balance and family responsibilities are considered. Despite new technologies and dynamic economic relations culminating in women's intellectual progress, promotion, and egalitarianism, women face an extra burden in carrying out home-based responsibilities amidst role conflict and unequal division of labor. The authors noted that gender stereotypes and roles limit women equitable and inclusive participation in family functions.
Which specialized terms does this article deploy to understand its findings?
The particular terminologies that the article deploys include gender roles, family conflict, labor division, and socialization.
3 Skim the article and in a 3-6 sentence paragraph, explain how the study was conducted and how the data are presented, and identify data that maybe relevant to your project.
The study was conducted via surveys encapsulated in Likert scale-based questions. Based on theoretical perspectives, including role conflict theory and feminist theories about women's status and socialization. The authors advanced independent variables such as gendered labor division, women's family roles, detached family networks, positive attitudes about employment, and believes regarding gender stereotypes. Thus, these variables can be relevant to my proposal.
4 Read the “Findings” or “Conclusions”
The overall outcomes show that most women bear extra burdens in home-based responsibilities. Role conflicts in relation to employment have more incidence among women. Pearson correlation test about gender labor division and role conflicts is significant. The relation is positive. “A positive relationship between gender socialization with gender labor division, the attitude amongst spouses regarding occupation and women believing to gender stereotypes” (Balali et al.,2017). The division of labor along gender lines contributes to role conflicts and strains, especially ...
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