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Steps on Contributing to Transformation of Creation in Community

Essay Instructions:

part 3 is the only part that needs to be done. attached is the part 1 and 2 for reference

Part 3: Theological Assessment and Habits Key question:

How can I participate in the transformation of creation in my local place?Main task: Engage thoroughly and thoughtfully with theological texts we’ve read for class. In this section you will consider your own practices and environments through a theological lens. Using the videos, readings, and lectures we’ve had thus far, answer the following questions. A) How do these authors/teachers suggest we should see creation and our role within it? B) What are the main principles that they hold up for good, responsible, servant-like stewardship of God’s creation? C) How should these principles inform your understanding of the local watershed and your own water use within it? Does thinking about this from a theological perspective change the way you understand your own practice? F) How can you change your practices to reflect a better vision of creation and your transformative participation in it? How can you be more responsible within your watershed and particularly with your water use? In other words, in what ways can you change your practices to better steward your place and creation? In this section you will need to engage with all the reading in a substantive and cohesive way. This means that taking one quote out of context is not enough to show proper engagement with the ideas. You will need to show that you have read and understand the texts, and that you understand how they overlap and engage with one another. *A few notes for success: --For submission of the Creation Care Project, you will turn in all sections compiled into one document with headings for each part. --Make references to texts in either footnotes or in-text citations. Treat quotes and sources, when utilized, like you would a research paper by citing correctly. --Show an understanding of the relationships between the texts we’ve read. What themes overlap or are shared? What language is similar between authors, etc?--Papers must be 1000-1250 words in length. You will need to be brief but thorough.

part 3 is the only part that needs to be done. attached is the part 1 and 2 for reference


Part 3: Theological Assessment and Habits

Key question: How can I participate in the transformation of creation in my local place?

Main task: Engage thoroughly and thoughtfully with theological texts we’ve read for class.

In this section you will consider your own practices and environments through a theological lens. Using the videos, readings, and lectures we’ve had thus far, answer the following questions.

A)      How do these authors/teachers suggest we should see creation and our role within it?

B)      What are the main principles that they hold up for good, responsible, servant-like stewardship of God’s creation?

C)      How should these principles inform your understanding of the local watershed and your own water use within it? Does thinking about this from a theological perspective change the way you understand your own practice?

A)      How can you change your practices to reflect a better vision of creation and your transformative participation in it? How can you be more responsible within your watershed and particularly with your water use? In other words, in what ways can you change your practices to better steward your place and creation?


  • In this section you will need to engage with all the reading in a substantive and cohesive way. This means that taking one quote out of context is not enough to show proper engagement with the ideas. You will need to show that you have read and understand the texts, and that you understand how they overlap and engage with one another.


*A few notes for success:

--For submission of the Creation Care Project, you will turn in all sections compiled into one document with headings for each part.

--Make references to texts in either footnotes or in-text citations. Treat quotes and sources, when utilized, like you would a research paper by citing correctly.

--Show an understanding of the relationships between the texts we’ve read. What themes overlap or are shared? What language is similar between authors, etc?

--Papers must be 1000-1250 words in length. You will need to be brief but thorough.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Humanity must ensure they safeguard the creation. We can achieve this by ensuring we protect the natural environment that we inhabit. Avoid pollution to the environment and conserve the environment.
Nonaka (2015) explains creation to be vital for the survival of humanity. Our surrounding environment provides us with the necessary resources for our survival. Due to this reason, other authors suggest our role is to care for the environment.
The Bible highlights four major principles we need to uphold. They include the Ownership principle, principle of responsibility, being accountable, and lastly, the principle of reward.
The ownership principle acknowledges God as the owner of all creation, which includes the watershed. Thus, man acts as an administrator who acts on behalf of God. As administrators, the principle of responsibility requires that we act responsibly while taking care of and managing God's creation. It is, there...
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