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Writing Report: Specific Situation Interview Person

Essay Instructions:

Hi, this is a plan, the specific situation is to interview a person, and then write the interview after the views and understanding, I will upload the instruction and the contents of the interview, please read and write carefully, thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Interview Report
Improving on one's communication skills is always a necessary thing to do. Consequently, I decided to carry out an interview where I interviewed an aerospace engineer so that I could enhance my communications skills and moreover be able to understand some of the aspects that are found in the field of engineering so that I could have an understanding of the field in a more comprehensive way. I was able to gain a lot of knowledge through the interview. For instance, when I asked the interviewee about some of the qualities that have been depicted by him and some of the successful employees, which have provided grounds for the upward mobility and general respect to the firm he responded by saying ‘dedication, aggressiveness, and respect for clients have been the essential qualities.” Through his response, I was able to learn about some of the qualities that are needed for a firm to grow and build a good reputation. Moreover, when I questioned him about whether he took advantage of the undergraduate opportunities such as an internship, he responded by saying, “internships are the best way through which one can gain experience, and therefore I ensured that I took the maximum advantage of them.’ The interviewee response made me realize that I should take advantage of internships so that I could be easily be absorbed in the employment sector as internships provide one with the experience employers need. I was also able to learn that individuals should pursue a Ph.D. before being employed after they complete their master's degree so that their chances of being promoted can be high. I got to learn this because he said that he would not have been the principal engineer in their firm if he had not chosen to pursue a Ph.D. after his master's degree.
During the interview, some of the strengths I depicted as an interviewer included being prepared enough for the interview because I was not late and moreover I had organized questions that I had planned to ask the interviewee and therefore due to my preparation the interview was well carried out and time wastage was eliminated. Moreover, I used non-verbal communication so that I could enhance our communication by maintaining an eye contact and making facial expressions whenever necessary. For instance, when the interviewee would say something that I was unaware about I would widen by eyes to depict astonishment. Additionally, I was able to maintain a rapport with the interview because of the use of polite language. For instance, when the interview ended I said thanks to the interviewee for finding time to speak with me. Despite the strengths, I also depicted weaknesses during the interview. For example, I was so quick to ask the next question even before the interviewee was done with answering the previous question therefore creating unnecessary distractions and confusion.
The interviewee was also using non-verbal communication during the interview. For instance, when I asked him about what he could change about his undergraduate career he put a smile on his face and formed crescent shaped eyes then he said that ‘I think I would change the complex language that is used by professors while teaching students which is very hard sometimes to comprehend.’ I also noticed that the interviewee maintained eye contact whenever he was answering the questions I had asked. Consequently, communicating that he was attentive and not distracted.
Some of the communication problems I learned from the interview that are encountered in aerospace engineering include too little information that causes anxiety among individuals who are working on a project. I came to understand this when I asked the interviewee about the one thing that he does to keep other employees focused on one common goal and he responded by saying ‘ I ensure that I avoid communication problems ...
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