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Specialist in Group Fitness

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following as completely as possible. You need to show that you comprehensively understand the subject of the question and communicate your thoughts clearly. Feel free to use personal experience and external sources (cited) to support your answers. Note: this week's minimum is 500 words.


Perform a fitness assessment on a client or friend. Name the exercises or movements that you used and why. (Remember, assessments should be specific to the qualities you intend to improve, ie, don’t use a pushup test if you don’t intend on having your client do pushups in the program.) Discuss your results and how you would work with that client based on what you found.

File type: .doc, .docx, .pdf

Requirements: answers must be in your own words, 500-word minimum

Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Did you include and properly use the six foundational movements recommended in the text? If you used different exercises, did you explain how and what they assessed?


Were you able to (1) properly identify and describe form faults? and/or (2) If no fault, describe how you identified good form?


With the information gathered, were you able to make proper considerations for future programming?


Available points for excellent ideas or insights, creativity, initiative, depth, etc.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Fitness Assessment
A brief background regarding the client is important to include to ensure that the appropriate fitness assessment is conducted and aligned to the identified set goals.
A.I. is a 55-year-old male client with controlled hypertension and diabetes mellitus type II. He was a martial artist but has not been active for more than 15 years due to the increased demands of his office work. Client A.I. wants to regain his active lifestyle by going to the gym, training, and participating in a triathlon next year with his son.
Before starting the fitness assessment, the vital signs of the client were taken and were found to be within normal limits. The client’s body mass index (BMI) was calculated at 26.6 indicating an overweight status at 165 lbs. and 5 feet 6 inches as A.I.’s weight and height, respectively. The postural assessment was done prior to starting movement analysis and other activities. Significant postural deviations that may affect his movement and exercise performance were found through the plumbline method, A.I. is flat-footed with a posterior pelvic tilt and forward-head posture.
Client A.I. was instructed to repeat some movements after one demonstration. These movements include the following:
Squats were done because it is one of the most functional movements. Client A.I. was able to perform the squats without his knees caving in, but his knees often went past his toes which may indicate issues with ankle mobility. The weight-bearing of A.I. is also even on both feet without significant difficulty in balancing himself.
Lunges were also done by A.I. as part of his fitness assessment to check the condition of his lower extremities, specifically the hip, knee, foot, and ankle. When doing the split lunge, A.I. exhibits the knee giving in towards the medial side and there is also minimal difficulty in balancing himself during single-leg weight-bearing which may be attributed to the muscle weakness and imbalan...
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