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Soundtrack Analysis of the Movie "The Meg"

Essay Instructions:

Select a video clip that represents diverse examples of the theoretical principles discussed in lectures #1, #2 & #3. Write an analysis using the timing format presented in Clear & Present Danger Theory. Be prepared to explain which sound design principles are being applied. Do not simply summarize the narrative as part of the written component.

Use 10 - 15 vocabularies from the documents!

Don't forget to place the analysis vocabulary in BOLD!

Find a movie clip about two mins to four mins! And Look at the example!

"Clear & Present Danger Theory" is the example. And this is not a analysis essay!

Select a video clip ( 2 mins to 4 mins) that represents diverse examples of the theoretical principles discussed in lectures #1, #2 & #3. Write an analysis using the timing format presented in Clear & Present Danger Theory. Be prepared to explain which sound design principles are being applied. Do not simply summarize the narrative as part of the written component.

Find a movie clip about two mins to four mins! And Look at the example!



Select a video clip ( 2 mins to 4 mins) that represents diverse examples of the theoretical principles discussed in lectures #1, #2 & #3. Write an analysis using the timing format presented in Clear & Present Danger Theory. Be prepared to explain which sound design principles are being applied. Do not simply summarize the narrative as part of the written component.


And these are lecture 1, 2, 3!!! represents diverse examples of the theoretical principles from them.




You can choose the video clips from a movie!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Meg (2018) - Giant Squid Attack Scene (1/10)
Unit I – Sound Theory to Picture
00:00 Diegetic Sound (SFX) – Heightened tension on the part of the character. Overlap with MX
How does the overlap and combination between diegetic sounds, MX, and Close-up (CU) show evoke feeling of heightened emotional tension on the part of the character?
00:28 How does the presence of diegetic sound (i.e., bubbles and underwater steam explosion) help draw the audience into the narrative of the scene? (The location of the character in the scene)
00:34 Tension release (change of MX underscore from heavy to light). Camera Cut to Ext. Character starts speaking with overlap with MX. How does the character’s words, together with the change in MX underscore the relief that she felt?
00:58 MX Cut. Overlapping music stop. Character gets hit by something ominous. DISS of shot alternating between the outside and inside of the submarine vessel. Sneak start of the new and strong MX cue. How does the DISS visual effect, combined with the Sneak start of the abrupt and heavy the orchestral music show the internal chaos and surprise of the character?
01:12 MOS. Notice the shift from the heavy ...
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