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Sodium Diet Research Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

Please use the correct APA 7th edition format. Please use complete sentences. Please do not use contractions. Please no run-on sentences. Answer the following questions using these questions as the essay. Do not answer the questions as 1,2,3,4 etc answer the questions in essay format. Please provide 2-full pages, not 1-1/2.

This is a pretend activity. Imagine that you are required to consume a modified diet because of your health issues.

First, consume a 2-gram (2,000 mg) sodium diet for 2 days. This means 2-grams/day or 4 grams over 2 days (4,000 mg for 2 days).

Write a reflection paper on the sodium intake experience, answering the following questions in essay format:

How did you prepare for your 2-day diet? (or if you didn’t prepare, discuss why you didn’t)

What did you do to stay on the diet?

How did you figure out how much sodium was in the foods you ate?

How did you feel?

What was difficult? What were your specific challenges or surprises?

What was easy that you expected to be difficult? What did you gain from this activity that you can use in your profession or in your interaction with people on special diets?

If you were asked to try this diet for a week, a month, a year - or the rest of your life -- what would be your reaction now that you’ve tried it for two days? How does that reaction differ from your expectations of the diet before you tried it?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sodium Diet Research
Sodium Diet Research
I prepared for my 2-day diet by setting small and realistic goals about my sodium intake. The specific goal was to limit my sodium intake to 2,000 mg every day. To ensure that I would be accountable to this target, I prepared a food journal where I would record everything I ate during my diet's two days. I hoped that seeing how much sodium was in every food or snack I ate would help me confront my habits and motivate me to eat less salt. To this end, I took stock of my pantry and replaced foods high in sodium such as processed meats, cheese, croissants, salted snacks, and canned gravy mixes with low sodium content foods like frozen beans, eggs, skimmed cheese, fresh vegetables, herbs and spices without salt, low-sodium breads, and unsalted nuts. I planned my meals to help me back on cravings and reduce the pressure that accompanies any dieting effort. Meal prepping freed me up from the mental stress of deciding the meals fit into my diet or even making hunger-based decisions that would have seen me consume more sodium than my diet allowed. Not knowing what to eat often results in one going off their plan, especially if they are tired or are in a hurry. Taking control of my diet in advance helped me stick to my 2 grams a day target successfully. I determined how much sodium was in the foods I ate by reading the food labels on every item I bought. I would compare the sodium levels of different products before choosing the one with the least amount. I chose packaged foods labeled as "no sal...
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