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The Six Stages of Change to Overcome Addiction

Essay Instructions:

Briefly define the six stages of change,(1.precontemplation,2.)contemplation,3.)preperation,)4.action,5.)maintenance,6.)relapse). Then choose one stage to expand on and provide examples. Paper is to be in APA format, 2 pages ,1 inch margins, new roman 12 pt. Font, & double spaced.list sources/references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Six Stages of Change to Overcome Addiction
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The Process of Change
The following are the six stages of change. The first is precontemplation. In this stage, people do not think that their behavior is a problem. The second stage contemplation refers to a stage that the victim of the addictive behavior thinks deeply of reforming. The third stage is the preparation stage. The preparation stage is where the person moves ahead and plans to make changes to the behavior learned in stage two. The fourth stage Action is the stage where many people focus on overcoming addiction and great changes start happening (Dimoff, 2017). The fifth stage is the maintenance stage. The maintenance stage is the stage that helps maintain and archive progress that was acquired in the Action stage. The last stage is known as the Rela...
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