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Six Principles of Good Writing vs. Amazon's Memo Strategy

Essay Instructions:

Six Principles of Good Writing vs. Amazon's Memo Strategy

In the Content for week 2, you are reading a section titled “Good Writing.”  In that section, Edward Bailey’s six points of good writing are listed.

Please take note of Bailey’s six points of good writing.  Then access the following message from Jeff Bezos to shareholders at Amazon.com:   

Read: Message from Jeff Bezos to Amazon Shareholders

Please read only the section of this message titled, "Six-Page Narratives."  You don't have to read the whole message.  

Answer the following questions related to this reading. Then post your answers as your response to this discussion topic.

1. In banning PowerPoint and asking for six-page memos, is Jeff Bezos violating any of Bailey’s six principles?  If so, which ones does he seem to violate, and why do you make the case that he violates them?  If not, explain why his strategy does not violate any of the six principles.

2. Why might Bezos prefer a six-page memo read silently for 30 minutes at the beginning of a meeting to a PowerPoint presentation?  What advantage might such a memo have over a PowerPoint presentation?  

Please feel free to conduct your own searches on this issue.  Various articles have been written about Amazon’s ban of PowerPoint in its internal meetings, and these articles have additional quotes from Bezos.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Six principles of Good Writing vs. Amazon’s Memo Strategy
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Six principles of Good Writing vs. Amazon’s Memo Strategy
Does Amazon’s six-page memo violate Bailey’s elements of good writing?
Jeff Bezos stirred communication controversy when he banned PowerPoint presentations in Amazon. PowerPoint is one of the contemporary approaches when summarized, and visually aesthetic messages are pass to the audience. Instead, Bezos embrace the use of a six-page memo in Amazon. Does Bezos’s strategy of a six-page memo violating the six tenets of good wring, according to Bailey?
According to Bezos’s memo to shareholders, Bezos reiterated the use of six-page narratives instead of PowerPoints or any slide-oriented presentation. Bailey’s six principles of good writing include purpose, organization, coherence, support, clarity, and insight. Likewise, Amazon’s six-page memo strategy comprises six core elements of writing, including introduction, goals, tenets, state of the business, lesson learned, and strategic priorities. Thus, I do not think that Amazon’s memo strategy conflicts with Bailey's six principles of good wiring. Instead, there are shared features between Amazon’s memo strategy and Bailey’s elements of good writing. For instance, the elements of purpose, organization, coherence, support, clarity, and insight, as advanced by Barley, are mirrored in the components of Amazon’s six-page memo. The six-page memo is geared towards capturing the essential communication elements during presentations, such as context and purpose. Bailey supports balanced communication,...
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