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Single parenthood (mothers and/or fathers). Moral Parenthood

Essay Instructions:

Research Paper

Topic: Single parenthood (mothers and/or fathers)

At least 2 Different Reference

1 media source on the topic A media source includes TV show segments, traditional full-length article

You must find at least 1 peer-reviewed academic article or academic book on the topic from Humber college

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Single Parenthood
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Raising a child as a single parent can be stressful and hectic for anyone. A single mother or single father has to deal with a lot of problems, such as sparing time for the child, earning some money to support his education and to meet other expenses, looking after him in all possible ways and of course, providing the kid with a hygienic and friendly environment. It’s safe to say that both mother and father play an integral role in the life of a child, and when they separate their ways, and one of them has to raise the child, life becomes quite difficult for both the child and the single parent. However, in some situations, the single parent becomes able to raise the child in a better way.
According to Joseph Millum, single parenthood or single parenting leaves various positive effects on society as a whole. For instance, it strengthens the relationship of the child with his father or mother (Millum, 2017). While working in a group of two, a man and a woman are responsible for taking decisions together regarding how the child should be raised, what type of school is best for him, how to plan his future and who should be in his friends’ circle. In such circumstances, the chances of wrong decision or errors are always high. However, when a single parent has to take all of these decisions alone, then the chances of errors are always low since the parent can closely observe things and the environment before deciding or choosing something for the child. In this situation, most of the decisions will be right, and this will leave a positive impact on the child’s health and life, as well as may strengthen his relationship with the parent to an extent.
Another noticeable thing is that spending one-on-one time with the little one creates a unique bond which will last for a lifetime. The parent will not have to wait for the approval of another person while taking decisions for the child. He or she can do everything alone and is required to manage life and finances without depending on anyone else. A study conducted by Sam Tyano and Miri Keren reveals that more than 55 percent single parents in the United States are happier than those who are bound in a relationship. This is because they live an independent life and do not have to worry about the custody of the child. In addition, these individuals develop a great sense of freedom and security (Tyano & Keren, 2010). The freedom is in the sense that they do not have to answer anyone for every second move or thing, and the security in the sense that when the child grows up and begins earning, the single parent will be the sole owner of all of his income and he or she can spend it anywhere, in any way, without giving explanations to someone.
The sociological theory applicable to such a situation is Structural-Functional Theory. According to this theory, individuals working ...
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