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Similarities and Differences Between Science and Faith

Essay Instructions:

Due no later than 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of Unit 8 or as directed by your professor

Worth 15% of final grade

Length: 1000 words (±100)

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Choose one of the following topics and write an essay based on comparison and contrast:

Shopping at Walmart vs. shopping at local stores

Electric vs. gas driven vehicles

Urban vs. country lifestyles

Herbal medicine vs. pharmaceutical prescriptions

Science vs. faith

Arranged vs. free-choice marriages

Submission Requirements

Provide a proper title page (APA)

A running header

Pages should be numbered at the top right, starting with the title page of the essay

Cite your source using the APA style and include a References page at the end of your essay

Use 12 point font, double-spaced – Times New Roman Font


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Science and Faith
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Science and Faith
In the contemporary world, the debate about how science compares and contrasts with religion (faith) is profound among many scholars. The majority of the scholars view science as the path to an evidenced understanding of different phenomena that occur worldwide. They dismiss religion as a concept based on beliefs rather than logic and evidence (Harper, 2019). More often, science does not have any relationship with religious beliefs. In religion, concepts are adopted on the basis of faith but not on critical evidence. In keen consideration and analysis of faith and science, several fascinating justifiable proofs emerge pointing to the close relationship between the two concepts. In contrast, they also have distinct characteristics (Boehme, 2017). The link between science and faith involves discussions revolving around the examination of the natural world, historical eras and present times, philosophical approaches, and the biblical concept.
Science and faith are vast both socially and technically, and they keep changing and expanding. The regard for scientific interventions and facts are often impacted by the faith, such as the analogue and evidence of evolution. It is crucial to look at the claims that science focuses on the natural world with faith encompassing both the natural and world beyond the understanding of man to compare and contrast science and religion (Harper, 2019). Faith beliefs are attached to the conception of supernatural entities and existence resulting from the spirit, while science gives it an empirical approach devoid of spiritual direction.
Similarities between Science and Faith
A notable similarity is that the architects of present science had Christian affiliations. Even as they developed and affirmed the scientific laws given the nature of science, they believed in God. They regarded Him as Sovereign and the giver of the potentials and revelations. It could then be thought that God was behind everything they did (Harper, 2019). The Architects were Boyle, Isaac Newton, among many more. The Bible, which is Holy Scripture and believed on by those who profess faith in the book of Genesis, states that God created man after His likeness to understand and subdue the world. Scientifically, the man who is made grows older with the knowledge to know and understand the world. This, therefore, puts it so distinct that the two concepts conform.
With God being loving and sound, it is believed through faith that he must be all over at no predetermined time but naturally, thereby making him all-powerful, all-knowing as His attributes. Even with such robust characteristics, He is not under any jurisdiction to create or create in a designed order, but He does so at His free will. There is empirical evidence that knowledge and intellect are products of human memory, understanding, and evidence-based science resolutions (Harper, 2019). About theists, their exceptional belief backs up the scientific premise that humans better learn and understand through practicing experiments and inferring.
Another substantial proof is the perception of the forces holding the universe compact, such as the gravitational force. Science has a reservation that any alteration could see the world collapse. Similarly, there is the faith that God created the world with a design o...
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