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American Sign Language - Deaf culture

Essay Instructions:
Watch this video: Deaf President Now movement. You can see the video here: http://videocatalog(dot)gallaudet(dot)edu/player.cfm?video=1531 Then write an essay following below instruction: 1. A One sentence summary of the message and intent of the video. 2. Your opinion, feelings, or perspective of subject presented (at least 2 paragraphs). You should reflect on the material presented - not a summary. What struck you or stands out in your mind after watching? In this section, you should include similarities or differences between your own culture and background and that of the Deaf Community. 3. Two questions that you now have as a result of viewing the video. (a) The questions could include something you don't understand, something you want to know more about, or any other relevant question the video brought to mind. (b) Once you have questions, attempt to find an answer to at least one of your questions on your own (Google searches, talk with lab staff or other Deaf people you can find) and report what you find out.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Deaf Culture
(Insert Name)
(Institutional Affiliation)

Deaf Culture
The video was okay; from the video, I learnt that the deaf cultures mainly comprise of four components. These are: language, behaviors, values and traditions, where vision is relied on strongly to communicate and gather information.
The traditions of the deaf community are an expression of their cultural values. It is clear that many of their traditions are based on the face-to-face gathering of deaf people, because their only way of communication in the community depends on what they are able to see. The traditions turn up in the strong family-like ties and lifelong friendship that develops between individuals.
Manual Coded System is used by the deaf to communicate, the language codes are programmed manually in the course of the deaf person’s life. This is projected to imitate the spoken and written language of the hearin...
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