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Cinnamon Toast Crunch – Shrimp Tails in the General Mills Cereal

Essay Instructions:

Please analyze these 2 case studies (you will have to research them):

If you google these stories - you will find plenty of articles to use for your research.

1) Cinnamon Toast Crunch - Shrimp Tales in the General Mills Cereal

2) Burger King National Women's Day Tweet


a) Identify which theorie(s) you think ea. co. used to respond to the crisis and why you chose those theories.

b) Explain if you think this was the best option – & if not, which theory you would recommend instead.

At minimum a paragraph or 2 for each

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Case Study Analysis
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Case Study Analysis
When a crisis arises, various strategies need to be effected to approach the issue. This paper will discuss two case studies of crisis and theories applied to solve the issues.
Case study: Cinnamon Toast Crunch – Shrimp Tails in the General Mills Cereal
A tweet concerning strange content in a box of cinnamon toast crunch went viral after being posted by writer and entertainer Jensen Karp. The tweet had been innocently addressed on the cereal company's page asking why there were shrimp tails in the box of cinnamon toast. In response, the accused company tweeted that the bizarre content was not shrimp tails but an accumulation of cinnamon sugar that had not been thoroughly blended. The company denied after a further confrontation that the contamination might have been outside their facility.
Theory of Approach Analysis
In this case, the company used the image restoration theory to go about the issue. (Plotnick& Hiltz, 2016). This theory involves strategies such as denial, evading responsibility, and reducing offensiveness. A selection of these strategies is used in crisis management, or all of them may be implemented in a crisis. An accusation is a threat to image; hence this theory seeks image maintaining strategies. The cereal company denied responsibility for the case to maintain its reputation. This step made the incident more viral as the cereal company's feedback was contradictory. This strategy was not effective since it only made the situation worse. The apology theory would have been effective since further confrontation would be avoided and the case closed at an early stage.
Case Study: Burger King National Women’s Day Tweet
On National Women&rs...
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