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Shared Economy Such as Uber, Lyft, AirBNB, etc

Essay Instructions:

You are to write a two page persuasive paper summarizing your view of the various so-called 'shared economy' services such as UBER, LYFT, KICKSTARTER, etc. Be sure to discuss whether or not you think the shared economy is a benefit to society or not. Using the terms and concepts that have been discussed this quarter, outline your views on the pros and cons of the shared economy and how it is impacting people around the world (i.e. workers, wages, sustainability, the environment, flexibility etc.)
Analyze this article and find two additional sources to back up your argument. Be sure to uses APA formatting and source citation: http://www(dot)pewinternet(dot)org/2016/05/19/the-new-digital-economy/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Shared Economy
(Student’s name)
Literature and Language
(Institutional affiliation)
Shared Economy
In the recent years, a lot of workers have discovered a new way of earning, and become their own boss that they are able to have their ow schedule. Regardless if the services they offer are for airport transportation using Lyft, Uber, or even using other services to help them with errands. Today, ways of earning a living have been redefined and it can be the start of a successful trail for the next generations. Shared economy is also called gig economy or peer economy, that has seen rapid growth because of its business model linking consumers and service providers.
Shared economy has its advantages and disadvantages which will be talked about. Furthermore, today’s society has to be knowledgeable about them. The flexibility is an aspect of it that people love because they can work depending on how much they want to accomplish that day. If a person is doing another job, shared economy is a good sideline business. There has also been a growth of outsourcing opportunities giving freelancers the chance to outsource work per project and they can work with the same employees if they have an excellent performance (Shears, 2014).
Business owners can utilize the availability of skilled freelancers who are constantly looking for ways to earn a living. A work space like Canvas is opening branches to give tasks and a decent meeting space for workers who are talented and independent, even small business owners can use their services. Centers like Canvas promotes the build-up of local economy through business growth. Lastly, the most attractive aspe...
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