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Shaping the way we teach English - Reflection

Essay Instructions:
I need to write a reflection about this video http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Qu2JRqTdtGQ here are questions to help 1. How were you able to identify the language context ( topics, themes, situations)? What did you pay attention to in order to do this? 2. How are the activities that you saw related to each of the context (the content areas)? 3. What kind of language naturally evolved as an extension of the activities and context? 4. How might the activities be adopted for different ages? Different topics areas? Levels? i'm going to attach the observation guide
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Shaping the way we teach English
Teaching English language is one of the most interesting things to do for those who understand the language properly. However, it gets very tricky if one lacks the masterly of the language. Contextualization in relation to language means the meaningful use of any language for real and proper communication purposes. Contextualization helps one understand the best use of language in different contexts. The video has different themes and topics. The language context comes out clearly in the video. This is by giving attention to how the tutor uses language to pass the intended in the intended way to the recipient. Passing information to kids especially can be very hard. There is use of simple language that is easy to understand and interpret. There is proper use of gestures and sign language. The children are easily able to understand what they can be able to dramatize. Use of gestures and dramatization makes learning much interesting and meaningful. It also makes it easier to maintain attention over a longer period of time especially when the topic is of great interest to students. To be able to capture the context of the language use, there is need to pay great and keen attention to the use of words, additional materials used to pass on the message, videos, charts, pictures and images, imagination creation among other things. Teachers organize language instructions according to the underlying themes and topics. Themes come out clearly when depicted throughout the whole topic. Symbols are also important in passing on information that would be otherwise hard to understand. All th...
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