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Why Several Bottled Water Manufacturing Firms in the U.S Come From the California State

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines for Response Essays
1. Passive voice obscures agency.
2. All pieces should address the argument and be connected.
3. Use direct, simple sentences.
4. Try to connect your personal experience with the class readings, either in support or critique.
5. Don’t think because it’s short it can be sloppy. You should
-write a draft, then re-read and revise it.
-proofread: don’t rely on your spellcheck because it won’t pick up words left out, terrible grammar, etc.
6. Don’t waste your time on empty sentences such as “One of the most interesting aspects of book X is its discussion of Y theme” or “In Chapter 3, X writes about Y and Z themes” or “The role of women and gender was of particular interest to me.” Make your first
sentence count, eg: “The Culinary Triangle is a valuable, if flawed, concept that needs to be revised for the modern era of food studies.” “The strength of Bentley’s argument about ordered meals is clear in her analysis of the Rockwell painting.”
7. Do develop ideas. “Development” in writing is not always an easy concept to get. It generally means just thinking a bit more about the possible ramifications of what you’re saying. Don’t just throw your opinion out there, explain how you came to that realization/position/idea. Dig deeper when analyzing your ideas and the those of authors. Read critically, think about what you’ve read, react; don’t summarize.

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Most companies that manufacture bottled drinking waters in the US come from California which is a state that experiences the third driest year on record. However, the issue has been of great concern as most people want to know why most companies are located around the area despite its arid condition. Therefore, the work focuses on the various reasons why several bottled water manufacturing firms in the US come from the California state.
The first reason that supports why the bottled waters come from the region is the ground water regulation within the region. The regulation provides that any firm that drills down and finds water will fully own the water sources (Famiglietti, 2014). Luckily, the regulation is only present in California and not in any other state in the nation. As a result, most water manufacturing firms will likely establish their businesses within the area to take advantage of the opportunity (Asano, 2016). A company that owns a water source fully after drilling will likely make large volumes of profits as they will not be restricted by any legislation. Moreover, they will not pay any charges for using the water source because they fully own it as provided by the law of ground water management within the area.
Another reason is the high demand for the limited product within the area. Ideally, most people in arid areas consume large volumes of water per day than individuals in any other region without hot conditions. As a result, most firms emerge from such areas to take advantage of the demand in the local market and may end up making huge profits that enables them to expand. The companies will extend their operations to others nations to improve their economies of scale to earn more sales and revenues (Yang, 2016). Therefore, most people will feel that the waters come from the regions because most companies that manufacture the product comes from the area. Hence, there is a perception that most bottled drinking waters originate from arid areas such as California. Ostensibly, the US population consumers approximately 10 billion gallons of water and receives revenue of almost 12 billion dollars which create a better market for the water manufacturing firms.
Also, the establishment of companies in the area is supported by the presence of both tap and underground water in the region. The availability of a variety of water source within the area provides an ample opportunity for new firms to emerge as the wealth will be available in the area in abundance. Generally, the state has various springs and geysers that produce water from beneath the ground throughout the year (Guadayol et al., 2016). The wells ensure that the limited commodity is available all ...
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