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Setback Encountered in Joining a Writing Course and How to Overcome them

Essay Instructions:

The instructions are to write an reflective essay on what was evaluated in WRTG 101S. The following information is what was taught in the class.
Practice in effective writing and clear thinking at all levels, including the sentence and paragraph, with emphasis on the essay and the integration of research into one writing. WRTG 101S fulfills the first general education requirement in Communications. This course provides intensive support and review of grammar and punctuation along with instruction in organizing, developing, and writing academic essays. The goal is to strengthen key aspects of mechanics while helping students apply specific steps within the writing process, including formulating purpose, identifying an audience, selecting and using research resources and methods of development, and completing other rhetorical tasks. Revision and recursive writing practice are emphasized and encouraged. Review of writing skills will be conducted through separate lab sessions, and resources will be available to support students in practicing and demonstrating writing skills. Assignments include a comparison-contrast analysis, a cause-effect analysis, a research-supported essay, and a final reflective paper.
This course will help you develop the writing skills demanded by college-level writing assignments. We will discuss the writing process, practice writing for specific audiences, review strategies for revision, and analyze model writings. You will practice identifying and applying expository and persuasive modes of writing. Your work this semester will culminate in a research-supported essay that combines these modes of writing. Research-supported writing will give you practice in gathering, evaluating, integrating, and documenting sources of evidence as supporting material in your own writing.
Modules from EDCP103:
- Module 1: Sentence Accuracy
- Module 2: Accuracy in Verbs and Pronouns
- Module 3: Accuracy in Modifiers
- Module 4: Accuracy in Punctuation and Mechanics
- Module 5: The Development of a Paragraph
- Module 6: The Development of an Essay
Modules from WRTG101:
- Module 1: The Writer's Toolbox
- Module 2: Expository Writing
- Module 3: Persuasive Writing
Module 4: Writing for Research
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- apply the writing process to develop essays, using various rhetorical patterns in order to inform and persuade an audience
- construct unified, coherent, and well-supported paragraphs, using principles of persuasion and exposition
- demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing
analyze source material in order to integrate valid and reliable sources, using accepted documentation style
For this assignment
Since this assignment is reflective and self-evaluating, using “I, me, my” should be acceptable as you write this essay.
This assignment calls for you to write an essay of 800-1000 words, double spaced. The essay should have the following academic essay elements:
1) a clear introduction, body, and conclusion
2) a clearly identifiable thesis statement in the introduction
3) evidence based upon your recollections and any material from the course (whether from the texts, the online resources, the course modules, the feedback to drafts, or the conference topics) that you might find relevant to mention in your discussion
Length: 800-1000 words
What You Must Do:
In this essay, you will evaluate your learning experience in WRTG 101. Your purpose is to estimate where you think your writing skills were when you began the course and, by examining the work you did in WRTG 101, determine as best you can the skills that this course helped you learn and develop.
How You Might Do This:
Since your essay uses a traditional structure for academic writing, you could try the following technique:
1) Think of your thesis as a “then and now” proposition. Your essay's introduction can offer readers a brief look at why you took WRTG 101 and lead to a thesis statement that begins with a phrase such as “I began WRTG 101 with “X” writing skills; now I…”
2) Discuss when/where/why you learned particular skills. Remembering how you completed assignments as well as any materials you find in the classroom that you think are relevant (these can come from Course Content, conferences, the texts, the online resources, the Course Modules, the feedback you received on drafts of essays, the discussions in the classroom areas, etc.), discuss when/where/how/why you learned particular skills that helped you complete assignments successfully and increase your writing skill set
In analyzing your acquisition of skills, it will be helpful to consider the course outcomes for WRTG 101. They are as follows:
1. apply the writing process to develop essays using various rhetorical patterns in order to inform and persuade an audience
2. construct unified, coherent, and well-supported paragraphs using principles of persuasion and exposition
3. demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing
4. analyze source material in order to integrate valid and reliable sources using accepted documentation style
In writing this section of the essay, please be specific. You might refer to specific grammatical issues (outcome #3) and the process of developing a topic (outcome #1). Or you might refer to challenges you had in writing paragraphs (outcome #2) and how the development of the paragraphs caused you to evaluate your thesis (outcome #1). These are just some suggestions to help you develop your points that you want to make for your essay.
Do not be afraid to discuss any areas in which you felt you did not achieve as much as you would have liked to or wish you could have had more instruction or practice. This information will be very helpful to your instructor.
3) In your conclusion, consider the skills you feel you are taking away from WRTG 101 and how these skills will help you in future courses you take. Consider also areas you think you will want to continue to try to improve.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Self reflective essay
Course title:
When people join certain course, they usually have some targeted goals which they purpose to achieve. When I joined the WRTG 101s course, I had the purpose of improving my wring skills. The level of my skills was very much down. But this course has really impacted on me in terms of the improvements that I have on my writing skills. This paper stipulates the position that I was in, when I joined the course, and the improvements that I have achieved following the myriad engagements of the course. A few setbacks encountered have also been highlighted mainly in view of how I managed to overcome them.
The learned skills
The skills that I have gained in this course cannot be exclusively detached from one another. Every skill seems to be tied to the other such that, one skill leads to development of the other. Grammar has been a very important skill that I have gained from this course. Apart from the ability to articulate my grammar in the writing, I have also realized the importance of the grammatical part of the written communication. Grammar in the written language is crucial because, the written language does not have the intonation aspect which can help to decipher meaning.
The skill of articulating sentences in written communication has also had great impact on me. I have to confess that this is one area that really gave me trouble to understand. The aspect of object and subject or predicate at first were difficult to understand, but with time I have come to realize they almost come automatic when one does enough practice in writing. Practice of the areas studied in this course has proved to be the best way to improve on what has been gained.
In practicing the learned skills improvements were made on the learned skill of organizing paragraphs. Organization of the paragraphs such that they appear in a logical manner has been a skill learned in this course. The paragraphs have to be well supported with each carrying a distinct idea which is complete. Organization of sentences to make paragraphs in a logical manner has been of great help to come up with written compositions that appeal to the...
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