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Second Essay Prompt Phil 101 Fall 2018

Essay Instructions:

Second Essay Prompt

Phil 101

Fall 2018

You are walking down Market St. in San Francisco when a homeless person asks you for money. You happen to have twenty dollars in your pocket, and you stop to think about what you should do. You can tell that this money would make a difference in this person’s day, while you would hardly notice its absence.

In this paper, you will argue that you should, or shouldn’t, give this person twenty dollars. First, you will analyze this ethical situation using two of the moral theories we’ve discussed in this course: utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, and virtue ethics. Think of these theories as three different perspectives on how to think through an everyday moral dilemma. Then you will use one or both of these theories to construct an argument about what you should do in this situation.

For many of you, this is your first philosophy class. To give direction to your writing, this paper will be highly structured. I’ll give you the outline of a great philosophy paper, and you fill it in with content. Assume that your reader knows nothing about philosophy. Write in a way that would make sense to a friend or roommate. Your paper should be concise and on point. Once you’ve written a draft, read each sentence in isolation and ask yourself “what does this contribute to the argument as a whole?” Maybe the sentence is already perfect, but more often than not a sentence can be tightened up or deleted entirely.

In the first paragraph, introduce the issue and state your thesis, all in four sentences or less. Space is limited, so you’ll have to get to the point quickly!

In the second paragraph, use one of the three ethical theories to analysis the situation. What is the theory? What does it say you should do? Why? Be specific.

In the third paragraph, use a second ethical theory to analysis the situation. What is the theory? What does it say you should do? Why? Be specific.

In the fourth paragraph, argue that you should or shouldn’t give the person some money. In your argument, explicitly consider the implications of at least one of the ethical views above.

In the fifth paragraph, provide a brief conclusion.

In making your arguments, it will be useful to refer to lecture notes, online slides, and the assigned readings on iLearn.

Paper specifications:

• Your essay should be 1,000-1,400 words (about 4 pages double-spaced).

• Submit your paper through iLearn by 11:55pm on Nov 28.

• The file format must be a pdf or a word doc. Pages files and Google doc files will not be accepted.

• Include in-text citations and a works cited page using MLA or APA formatting.

• Do not use outside sources.

• Late papers will be penalized 1/2 point per day, rounded up.

Paper 2 FAQ

Q: Are we required to cite any specific sources? Can we use sources from the "want more?" section on iLearn or are we only allowed to cite the journal readings?

A: You should only cite the papers from the course, not the extended discussion under "want more".

Q: Quick question, since we are not allowed to use outside sources, do we need to include a works cited page? If so, what should we put as our works cited? Alan Moore's Philosophy 101 Notes?

A: You should have a works cited page. You could include the papers on Kantian Ethics, Confucian Virtue Ethics, or utilitarianism.

Q: I would like some clarification before writing the paper. Would virtue ethics be about Confucius' teachings?

A: That's correct. Confucius was a virtue ethicist.

Q: So we have to present 2 ethical moral views, out of the 3 that we have studied. But my question is, does those both be in favor of my my choice that i would present in my 4th paragraph, or one view should say you should pay the money and the second would say you should not.

A: Excellent question. Your argument in the fourth paragraph should engage with the analyses in paragraphs two and three, but doesn't necessarily have to agree with them. Perhaps you will be agreeing with your analyses, but then again, maybe you will be choosing one analysis over the other.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Name
University Name
Since my childhood, I have learned from my elders that there is no alternative to politeness, loyalty, sincerity, and humbleness as these characteristics bring a person closer to God. On an afternoon, I happened to walk Market St. in San Francisco where a stranger came into my way and stopped me in the middle of the road. He was a beggar, wanting me to give him something instantly. Unfortunately, I did not have enough money in my pocket. There were only twenty dollars which I decided to give him as this could make a big difference in his life.
Ethical Theory#1: Utilitarianism
According to Ayman Shihadeh, utilitarianism is an ethical theory that states that the best actions are the ones that maximize utility, which is something that can produce the greatest well-being. In simple words, it can be said that utilitarianism is all about testing the morality, virtue and the level of happiness of a person (Shihadeh, 2014). Jeremy Bentham, the person who introduced the concept of utilitarianism to the world, was of the view that utility is the sum of all pleasures and happiness that results from a particular action. When I try to apply this theory to my situation in which I helped the homeless man with some money, I get to know that happiness does not lie in having much money in one’s pocket. Instead, it exists in situations like this. I felt happy and satisfied when I saw the stranger smiling after getting twenty dollars from me. At this point, I could have ignored his request, but I did not do anything like that and instead try to be a helping hand for him. Those who oppose the concept of utilitarianism argue that actions should be selected based on their likely results. However, I disagree with them since I had not thought of the result when I made my mind to help the homeless man. In some situations, it is certainly not possible for anyone to think of the outcomes before making the final decision, and my situation was something like that. I had no time to think of whether or not something would be left in my pocket. I just thought of bringing a smile on the face of the beggar, and I succeeded in my mission; this gave me internal satisfaction and made my day. Jeremy Bentham’s utilitarianism was developed and popularized by some philosophers, including William Paley. This theory highlights how happiness is associated with giving. Sometimes we do not have to think much of the consequences of a particular action or decision; we make the decision or take action to please ourselves and to please the people around us. I do not reg...
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