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Search Engine Bias: The Wall Street Journal

Essay Instructions:

You just read Two articles that all relate to search engine bias. from newspapers (Wall Street Journal and Guardian). Answer the following questions in a Word document and submit your responses here.

1. Based on what you've read, are you convinced that search engine bias is real? Why or why not?

2. Does the content of the Wall Street Journal article match the headline? Explain why or why not in a few sentences.

3. What are some limitations of the Wall Street Journal article? Consider any studies they're reporting (remember the video from earlier about what "studies show"), people they interview, any bias the author or the publication might have, etc.

4. Does the content of the Guardian article match the headline? Explain why or why not in a few sentences.

5. What are some limitations of the Guardian article? Consider any studies they're reporting (remember the video from earlier about what "studies show"), people they interview, any bias the author or the publication might have, etc.

6. Which of these three sources do you trust the most? Why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Search Engine Bias Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name February 20, 2019 1 Based on what you read, are you convinced that search engine bias is real? Why or why not? 1 Based on both the articles that I’ve read, I think that search engine bias is not real. One of the most prominent reasons is because both the Guardian and the Wall Street Journal, both reputable sites, suggests different things. Particularly, the Wall Street Journal suggests that Google searches can lean liberal, while the Guardian says that searches are more conservative. Another reason why I don’t believe that Google is biased is because of the use of SEOs. As stated in the article of WSJ, “biases are likely unintentional and may reflect the composition of the internet” CITATION Nic16 \l 1033 (Nicas, 2016). That is, it could be affected by the number of Liberals or Conservatives who actively post and not because of the algorithm itself. 2 Does the content of the Wall Street Journal article match the headline? Explain why or why not in a few sentences. 2 Yes. The reason is because although the headline shows that it can lean liberal, it does not say that it is because of Google’s algorithm but because of the number of people – liberal or democrats – who actively post their contents, comment, and even provide backlinks to these websites. 3 What are some limitations of the Wall Street Journal article? Consider any studies that they are reporting, people they interview, any bias the author or the publication might have, etc. 3 The most apparent l...
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