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Crucial Claims on Scarlet Letter

Essay Instructions:

Briefly understand the plot of the book scarlet letter and read the attached essay, keeping on the lookout for claims that you might want to respond to in your conclusion. Annotate them. What are these essay's crucial claims? Do you find them persuasive? Why or why not? Do any of these claims need complicating? Did anything you discovered, support the claims? Did anything complicate the claims?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Scarlet Letter
Essay’s Crucial claim
The article claims that "Pearl grew up in a strange world, where she was immediately cast as an outsider and was surrounded by truths which she longed to uncover.”
The claim is indeed valid because Pearl was literally in bondage at a tender age. She did not know much about herself and the society did not welcome her. Pearl strived to see the truth and uncovering the secrets was helpful in making her a whole woman. The shame of the community dawned on an innocent child and lived with her for a long time. Being swallowed and living in seclusion as a child is a remorseful experience.
In the second paragraph, the essay claims that Pearl is depicted as a demonic figure, but perhaps Pearl was unleashing her anger. She did not understand the whole thing and the reason behind their unfortunate lives as a young child. In the essay, the writer says, “Hawthorne depicts Pearl in her earliest years of life as a rash, demonic figure who is completely enveloped in her emotions, and uses this description to illuminate how her judgment restricts her from drawing connections between herself and others or feeling any sympathy towards them.” There was a dire need for Pearl to know the truth and react to what was happening around her because she did not commit the sin and therefore, did not deserve the unfortunate treatment. Probably her mother and Dimmesdale could have been held responsibl...
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