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Scheduling and Project Management: Pert and CPM

Essay Instructions:

Case Analysis

At the Hard Rock Cafe, like many organizations, project management is a key planning tool. With Hard Rock's constant growth in hotels and cafes, remodeling of existing cafes, scheduling for Hard Rock Live concert and event venues, and planning the annual Rockfest, managers rely on project management techniques and software to maintain schedule and budget performance.

"Without Microsoft Project," says Hard Rock Vice-President Chris Tomasso, "there is no way to keep so many people on the same page." Tomasso is in charge of the Rockfest event, which is attended by well over 100,000 enthusiastic fans. The challenge is pulling it off within a tight 9-month planning horizon. As the event approaches, Tomasso devotes greater energy to its activities. For the first 3 months, Tomasso updates his MS Project charts monthly. Then at the 6-month mark, he updates his progress weekly. At the 9- month mark, he checks and corrects his schedule twice a week.

Early in the project management process, Tomasso identifies 10 major tasks (called level 2 activities in a work breakdown structure, or WBS):talent booking, ticketing, marketing/PR, online promotion, television, show production, travel, sponsorships, operations, and merchandising. Using a WBS, each of these is further divided into a series of subtasks. The following table identifies 26 of the major activities and subactivities, their immediate predecessors, and time estimates. Tomasso enters all of these into the MS Project software. Tomasso alters the MS Project document and the time line as the project progresses. "It's okay to change it as long as you keep on track," he states.

Activity Description Predecessor Normal Time (weeks) Normal Cost Crash Time (weeks) Crash Cost

A Finalize site and building contracts --- 7 $7,500 4 $11,500

B Select local printer A 3 $500 2 $800

C Hire production manager A 3 $1,200 2 $1,700

D Design promotional Web site B 5 $6,000 3 $9,000

E Set TV deal D 6 $4,000 4 $6,500

F Hire director E 4 $1,200 3 $1,700

G Plan for TV camera placement F 2 $500 2 $500

H Target headline entertainers B 4 $2,000 3 $3,500

I Target support entertainers H 4 $2,000 3 $3,500

J Travel accommodations for talent I 10 $9,000 7 $16,000

K Set venue capacity C 2 $300 1 $400

L Ticketmaster contract D 3 $1,400 2 $1,900

M On-site ticketing L 8 $7,000 6 $11,000

N Sound and staging C 6 $9,000 5 $12,000

O Passes and stage credentials G 7 $4,000 5 $5,800

P Travel accommodations for staff B 20 $15,000 15 $23,000

Q Hire sponsor coordinator B 4 $600 3 $800

R Finalize sponsors Q 4 $1,000 3 $1,400

S Define/place signage for sponsors R 3 $3,000 2 $4,200

T Hire operations manager A 4 $1,200 2 $1,800

U Develop site plan T 6 $6,000 5 $8,500

V Hire security director T 7 $1,500 5 $3,000

W Set police/fire security plan V 4 $1,000 3 $1,600

X Power, plumbing, AC, toilet services U 8 $4,000 6 $7,000

Y Secure merchandise deals B 6 $6,000 3 $7,500

Z Online merchandise sales Y 6 $5,000 4 $7,500

The day of the rock concert itself is not the end of the project planning. "It's nothing but surprises. A band not being able to get to the venue because of traffic jams is a surprise, but an 'anticipated' surprise. We had a helicopter on stand-by ready to fly the band in," says Tomasso.

On completion of Rockfest in July, Tomasso and his team have a 3-month reprieve before starting the project planning process again.

Source: Professor Barry Render, Jay Heizer and Beverly Amer.

Case Assignment

Please turn in a paper of one to two pages (page counting does not include cover and reference list) discussing the following questions:

1. Identify the critical path and its activities for Rockfest. How long does the project take (what is the duration time)?

2. How would you crash the project (which activities would you crash) to keep the project on schedule and achieve the original duration, if Activity B actually takes 5 weeks instead of the planned 3 weeks? (Explain your logic)?

Hints: You are welcome to take a look at ppt presentation#2 in the background material. Starting from slide #13, you will see an example of how to find critical path and how to crash a project. You are welcome to download a 60-day trial version of MS Project (optional). However, detailed explanations of your rationale and calculations are still expected.

Assignment Expectations

1. Answer questions with clarity.

2. Show depth and breadth in your paper to enhance the quality of your paper.

3. Try your best to search in our library to find some papers/articles to support your argument and show them in the reference list.

4. Identify some major challenges a project manager faces in events such as this one..

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pert and CPM
Project management is a key planning tool at the Hard Rock Cafe, as is true of many organizations. With Hard Rock's constant growth, remodeling of existing hotels and cafes, Hard Rock Live concert scheduling for event venues, and annual Rockfest planning, managers rely on project management techniques and MS Project software to schedule, budget and maintain performance. "Without Microsoft Project, there is no way to keep so many people on the same page." says Hard Rock Vice-President Chris Tomasso. Rockfest event is attended by well over 100,000 fans and Tomasso is in charge of the event. To pull it off within a tight nine month planning limit, updates to the MS Project charts is required to be done monthly especially for the last three months.
In the early stages of the project management process, 10 major tasks had been identified by Tomasso: talent booking, operations, merchandising ticketing, marketing/PR, sponsorships, online promotion, television, show production and travel. These activities are called level 2 activities in a work breakdown structure, or WBS. Using a WBS, these activities are further divided into a series of sub-tasks as illustrated in this paper.
Q1 Determining the Critical Path
In order to determine the critical path, a list of all the activities in the project will be categorized in a work breakdown structure (Woolf, 2007). The time or duration to complete each activity will also be listed. The dependencies between the activities and deliverable items are also important. The MS Project will then be used to determine the critical path. Based on this structure, the following results were provided;
The activities on critical path for Rockfest are;

Task Name


Finalize site and building contracts


Select local printer


Design promotional Web site


Set TV deal


Hire director


Plan for TV camera placement


Passes and stage credentials

The project duration will take 7 weeks based on the longest duration in the critical path which is to ‘Finalize site and building contracts’ (Project Management Institute PMI, 2013).
Q2 Crashing Action
A Finalize site and building contracts --- 7 $7,500 4 $11,500B Select local printer A 3 $500 2 $800D Design promotional Web site B 5 $6,000 3 $9,000E Set TV deal D 6 $4,000 4 $6,500F Hire director E 4 $1,200 3 $1,700G Plan for TV camera placement F 2 $500 2 $500O Passes and stage credentials G 7 $...
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