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Rothman's Use of Ethos, Logos and Pathos to Persuade Audience on the Impact of Porn on Teens

Essay Instructions:

This is the link for the Ted Talks video and topic for the assignment: https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/emily_f_rothman_how_porn_changes_the_way_teens_think_about_sex/transcript
For this assignment, you are asked to analyze someone else’s argument. In this case, you will select ONE speech from the options provided in the assignment folder.
Your analysis may be in the form of a written essay (minimum 700 words) OR video (5-7 minutes).
The purpose of the rhetorical analysis is not to analyze what the speaker is arguing about, but to analyze how the speaker presents their argument. You will do this by analyzing their use of the three means of persuasion (ethos, logos, and pathos).
In essence, your essay will respond to the prompt, “What does the speaker argue, and how do they appeal to ethos, logos, and pathos in an attempt to persuade their audience?”
Identifying how the author makes use of ethos, logos, and pathos includes identifying examples, as well as explaining how the examples you choose work in relation to their argument (i.e. why are they doing this? what purpose do they serve in supporting the speaker’s goal? – see samples in the assignment folder on eCentennial).
It is highly unlikely that you can include every instance of the three modes of persuasion, so select some of the more dominant examples or ones you see as being most important and focus in on those (at least 3 examples for each of the means of persuasion).
Please note that for the analysis, you are not composing a critique. That is, you are not offering your own opposing or supporting viewpoint. You are not evaluating the speech either (no value judgments, i.e. claiming that it is a “good”, “bad”, “effective”, or “ineffective” speech).
I advise that you approach this assignment by both listening to the speech and reading the transcript.
Annotate the transcript to identify key information, examples, etc. for your analysis.
How to Prepare (Pre-Writing):
In your own words, what is the conclusion/thesis? This should be one sentence or possibly two. Capture all the major points (What are their premises?)
How does the speaker establish their own character, credibility, trustworthiness?
What types of evidence or logical connections (logos) does the speaker use to support their argument?
What types of emotional appeals (pathos) does the speaker use?
Now start to formulate your analysis by using the tools of summary, paraphrasing, and quoting for examples that support your analysis.
Essay Structure:
The basic structure of your essay should go as follows:
Your introduction should include the title and speaker, a brief summary of the speech (premises and conclusion), along with your thesis (e.g. "Although King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is mainly dependent on emotional appeals, he also appeals to pathos and logos throughout.")
Body (Multiple Paragraphs)
You may create subheadings in your essay for ethos, logos, and pathos, where each paragraph in that section focuses on analyzing examples related to that particular means of persuasion.
E.g. “In King’s speech, he appeals to emotion through his use of anaphora. For example, when discussing the urgency of racial justice, he repeats, “Now is the time” four times as a way of establishing a sense of urgency in his audience, and to accept the importance of immediate action.”
In this example, you can see that there is identification of the appeal (King uses anaphora by repeating "now is the time") as well as explaining why he did it (to establish a sense of urgency and to get the audiences to accept the importance of immediate action)
Primarily, restate your thesis and main points.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

TedTalk Analysis:
"What does the speaker argue, and how do they appeal to ethos, logos, and pathos in an attempt to persuade their audience?"
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TedTalk Analysis:
"What does the speaker argue, and how do they appeal to ethos, logos, and pathos in an attempt to persuade their audience?"
Public speaking is an essential component of public education, informing and persuading the audience on various societal issues. It needs to be delivered by credible people who appeal to the audience in authority, emotion, and logical presentation of ideas. This helps ensure the audience is attentive and grasp the content of the speech. Emily F. Rothman delivered a TedTalk in 2018 about how pornography changes the way teens think about sex. Rothman researched the relationship between sex and pornography in teens and found that most teens turn to pornography for sex education because the topic is not comprehensively handled in the school curriculum. Although Rothman's presentation primarily relies on ethos, she uses logos and pathos to persuade the audience on the impact of porn on teens' perception of sex.
Rothman extensively uses ethos to appeal to the audience in her presentation. Ethos appeal refers to the presenter's authority and status, making the audience trust them (Han et al., 2019). Rothman indirectly emphasizes her authority throughout the speech. First, she has done extensive research on how the consumption of pornographic content affects teens' thinking on sex issues. The speech begins with Rothman giving a background on the conception of her research interest on porn and sex in teens. She talked to high school students about choosing a career in public. The students seemed bored but became active when Rothman mentioned the word porn (Rothman, 2018). This showed that it arose their attention. Rothman successfully researched the issue and used her findings to base her argument in the TedTalk session. At that point, Rothman also says she had been researching for more than a decade about the problem of dating violence in the United States, further affirming her authority to talk about the issue of porn and sex in teens.
Rothman also has more than five years of experience in sex education. She says that the high school presentation happened six years back from the day of the TedTalk. Further research shows that Emily is a professor of Community Health Sciences at the Boston University of Public Health. She has also authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in the topics areas of sexual assault, intimate partner relationships, pornography, and human trafficking (Emily Rothman | SPH – Bu, n.d). These exciting topics give her the authority to address the relationship between pornography and sex in teens.
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