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The Rocking Horse Winner: Responding To The Story

Essay Instructions:

The Rocking Horse Winner: Responding to the story
Your task: After reading the novel The Rocking Horse Winner, your task is to analyze the story in terms of what it is an allegory for. In other words, connect the story to what has happened or is currently happening in society or societies today.
In your response, the following format should be followed:
a.    describe what event or phenomena that has happened or is happening in society today, that is being allegorized in The Rocking Horse Winner
For example,
In modern society, the issue of homelessness is prevalent in many major cities. The homeless of these cities are often ignored and neglected by the general public due to....
b.    explain how the story is an allegory for this event or phenomena, which include specific examples to support your ideas
How will you be assessed?
You will be assessed on the following:
a.    Your description of the event/phenomena found in the story and your accuracy of it
b.    Your explanation of how the story is an allegory for your chosen event/phenomena and your ability to make connections between the two
c.    Your use of support
d.    Your diction
e.    Your spelling and grammar Word count: 400 - 500 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Rocking Horse Winner
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In the modern world, the cost of living has increased and this has resulted to the increased greed for money. As a result of such greed for money, people have found themselves in compromising situations that calls for them to make as much money as possible in order to fulfill the desired of their hearts. It is through such action, that people find themselves in problems that they cannot solve even with the all the amount of money that they have saved. Also, such greed has led to the death of other people such as the case of robbery (Yang, Wu, Zhou, Mead, Vohs & Baumeister, 2013). Therefore, the “Rocking Horse Winner” story is a good example of an allegory to this situation in the current world.
According to the story of the Rocking Horse Winner, Paul’s mother is represented as a beautiful woman who doesn’t make good use of money because she loves a lavish life future (Hoile, 2016). In real life, this represents the increased cost of living which have led to people misplace their priorities to live a lavish life instead of saving for the future. Also, the living styles of many individuals have changed and this might push someone into pretense in order to fit in a certain class of people while in the real sense they don’t have the money to live with such a class.
Also, the greed for money in the modern society has increased and this is represented in the story by the obsession that Paul gets in an attempt to obtain as much money as possible in order to fulfill his mother’s wishes. Paul begins with his problems but then goes overboard by obsessing himself with getting money since his mother had already prepared him for a difficult future (Hoile, 2016). No matter the amount of money that Paul wins, the house keeps on whispering for more. This is an allegory of the fact that money can never be enough. Therefore, it is the obligation of every individual to learn on how to plan for the little that they have in order to satisfy their daily needs. Otherwise, human will keep on chasing money forever and will never get enough since needs keep on increasing in regard to the amount of money that an individual has.
In addition, people have died in th...
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