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What is the Relationship Between Robinson Crusoe and Friday in the Novel 'Robinson Crusoe' by Daniel Defoe

Essay Instructions:

This essay is a traditional literary analysis. Refer to a couple of references from the novel and include page numbers. What is the relationship of Robinson Crusoe and Friday throughout the novel " Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe".

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What is the relationship between Robinson Crusoe and Friday in the novel "Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe?"
There exist different relationships between Robinson Crusoe and Friday. At certain times, the reader gets the perception that the relationship between Friday and Crusoe is similar to that of a father and a son while, on the other hand, their relationship comes out as that of a master and a servant. Where, Crusoe is the master and Friday a servant who provides services to the master for a long time of time.
Ways in which relationship emerge between the two
The master-servant relationship emerges severally in the novel, for example, this comes out clearly when Crusoe confess "I made him know his name should be Friday and also made him learn to say master, and then influenced him know that he was to bear my name." Crusoe declined to tell Friday his real name for the time they interacted an indication that there existed a certain hierarchy system that was to be followed keenly (Defoe, 2015, p. 203).
Thus, Crusoe was the master who is higher in rank compared to Friday, who is only a servant required to serve the master. During that time, slaves acquired names from their masters, and this comes out clearly when Crusoe gives a name to Friday without taking any measures of finding out what his original name might be (Defoe, 2015, p. 204). Friday cope with the master-servant relationship positively and welcomes it with a lot of appreciations. He even goes ahead to submit to the master and Crusoe becomes impressed by this behavior. To prove his submission to servitude Friday kneels down, kisses the ground and lay his head upon the ground and sets Crusoe's foot upon his head as a symbol of the oath that he would serve Crusoe forever after saving his life. On his part, Crusoe thinks positively about Friday’s evident submission.
That makes him take him up and give him a piece of encouragement. That touches Friday, who immediately utters some words that the master finds pleasant to listen to keenly. Crusoe, however, has a divided mind concerning his servant Friday (Defoe, 2015, p. 205). He thinks that Friday's behavior could be as a result of the relief of getting a human companion with him, relieving him of many years he spent in solitude. These were the first sound of a man's voice that Crusoe had heard for the past twenty-five years.
The relationship between the two began when Crusoe assisted Friday. Crusoe carried Friday under his wings after ensuring that the remaining savages were dead. Crusoe explains that he took Friday quite away to his cave on the farther part of the island and not to his castle. During this time, he retained the natural fear he had about being attacked at night by separating hisown sleeping quarter from that of Friday (Defoe, 2015, p. 206). Crusoe narrates how he established a small tent for Friday in the free place between his two fortifications and buried up in the night. He further describes how he took in his ladder in fear that Friday could use it to get inside where he slept. That was to ensure that if Friday forced his way in, he could make a lot of noises that would wake Crusoe and make him alert.
That implies that there is no trust in the relationship that exists between Crusoe and Friday, the situation of gun usage confirms this assertion further. In the beginning, Crusoe tricked Friday to believe that the weapon was a super fund of death and destruction, an idea that made Friday conduct himself in a cautious manner while dealing with the gun. Friday got discouraged and went for long without touching the gun but would instead speak to it as though it was an item to desire and not meant to kill him (Defoe, 2015, p. 207). This action supports the traditional master-servant relationship where the master had a cautious low level of trust in his servant. The only difference with the past error is that the master would not praise the servant for the good work done.
Crusoe, however, maintains a positive opinion about Friday. After studying the general character of Friday, he praises him using positive comments. According to Crusoe, Friday was a comely h...
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