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Ritsner & Gottesman Genetic Contribution to Development of Schizophrenia

Essay Instructions:

Directions: In a double spaced, typed essay of at least one page for each essay (not counting name, date and question number), answer one question from Section I, one question from Section II, and one question from Section III for a total of three essays and a total of at least three pages (not counting name, date and question numbers). Please indicate which question you are addressing. Plagiarism or lazy writing is not acceptable.

Section I: Ritsner & Gottesman (2011)

1. Why do the Ritsner and Gottesman (2011) believe that categories vs dimensions involve a major controversy for diagnosis and schizophrenia in particular? (pages 3-8)

2. How does Ritsner and Gottesman make the case for a genetic contribution to the development of schizophrenia? Explain. (pages 9-22)

3. Ritsner & Gottesman (2011) maintain “In spite of a rich body of work that validates categorical and dimensional models of FP (functional psychosis), challenges remain because none of the group of FP or of the individual psychoses included within them, has been clearly demonstrated to be a disease entity” (page 23). Explain the apparent contradiction in this statement implying evidence supporting categories yet maintaining that diagnostic categories are not clearly supported “disease” entities.

4. What are endophenotypes (see page 18 of Ritsner & Gottesman), and why do the authors believe that endophenotypes are important to resolving the etiological puzzle of schizophrenia and other functional psychotic disorders?

5. According to (Ritsner & Gottesman (2011), why has it been so difficult to unravel etiological explanations for schizophrenia and other mental disorders?

Section II: Chapman, L.K., DeLapp, R.C.T. and Williams, M.T. (2018). Impact of race, ethnicity and culture on the expression and assessment of psychopathology and Hays, P. (2016). Addressing cultural complexities in practice: Assessment, diagnosis, and therapy. Third Edition.

1. What does Patricia Hays mean by the term “intersectionality? Give an example to illustrate issues of intersectionality in diagnosis.

2. Given the vignette on pages 3 and 4 by P. Hays regarding Sarah, Carman and Maya, should Sarah express her concerns to the Office of Child Services (OCS), to Carman, to both of them, or to neither? Explain.

3. What does the author (P. Hays) mean by microaggressions? Give an example. How might microaggressions impact diagnosis or treatment?

4. What is a “pro” and what is a “con” in Patricia Hays “ADDRESSING” cultural influences framework? (on page 8) Explain.

5. According to the article by Chapman et al. (2018), racism is described as “complex systems of privilege and power which ultimately serve to threaten and/or exclude racial and ethnic minorities from access to social resources and other civil liberties.” (Page 136) Describe giving an example from their chapter how racism my impact diagnosis or treatment of psychopathology.

6. Chapman et al. (2018) report “susceptibility of misdiagnosed schizophrenia in African American patients…” (page 132). What may be some reasons for such misdiagnosis and how might it be corrected?

7. Give an example of differences in prevalence of psychopathology by culture. What might be some reasons of difference prevalence rates by culture mentioned in the Chapter by Chapman et al. (2018).

8. Chapman et al (2018) mention that many minority people “fear, or feel ill at ease, with the mental health system.” Why might this be so? How might this attitude impact treatment? What would you suggest for addressing the issue?

• Section III: Angell, M. (2011). The illusions of psychiatry. New York Review of Books, July 14, 2011.

1. According to Angell (2011), how has economics and politics influenced the DSM diagnostic process?

2. According to Angell (2011), what are the potential negative effects of medication on mental illnesses?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Section I
Question 2
How do Ritsner and Gottesman make a case for a genetic contribution to the development of schizophrenia? Explain. (pages 9-22)
According to Ritsner and Gottesman, the most common severe mental illness is schizophrenia which causes changes in behavior, thinking, perception, and a lack of interest in checking the reality of one's surroundings. It is a complex biological condition with a multifactorial mechanism of transmission where non-genetic variables play a crucial role. Several genes, each with a negligible effect on risk, are known to work together in a complex way to cause the disease. As a result, there are no disease-causing genes or single genes with significant effects; only genes that make someone susceptible are in play. As expected, the search for vulnerable genes to the disease is challenging. Nevertheless, schizophrenia genes have finally been identified. The authors also research into the molecular genetic factors of schizophrenia has recently begun to yield some intriguing results, particularly regarding candidate genes' position and function, both of which have been postulated as possible causes of the disorder.
Ritsner also explains that the risk of schizophrenia may also be increased by the deletion or duplication of genetic material on many chromosomes, affecting multiple genes. The 22q11 region of chromosome 22 might play a role in a limited number of cases of schizophrenia, particularly in those with 22q11 microdeletions (Ritsner & Gottesman, 2011). A single gene cannot cause schizophrenia. According to research, the illness may be caused by a variety of genetic changes. If you have a predisposition to schizophrenia due to your family history, you should be aware that certain environmental circumstances may heighten your risk. The closer you live to someone who has the disease, the greater your risk of contracting it due to a genetic relationship. A twin who suffers from the illness has an 85% chance of passing on their condition to their sibling. A single gene cannot cause schizophrenia. Therefore, the research done by Ritsner and Gottesman, the development of the illness may be caused by a variety of genetic changes in the human body.
Section II
Question 6
Chapman et al. (2018) report "susceptibility of misdiagnosed schizophrenia in African American patients…" (page 132). What may be some reasons for such misdiagnosis, and how might it be corrected?
According to the American Psychiatric Association, diagnosis disparities are due to various variables, such as lack of access to high-quality mental health care facilities, cultural stigmas associated with mental health care, prejudice, and general apathy toward mental health. National mental health says these factors translate into a greater likelihood for Black and African American people with mental health conditions to undergo chronic and persistent [for example, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder] than episodic [like depression for short periods]. For numerous decades, studi...
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