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Review Picasso At The Lapin Agile

Essay Instructions:

Please write a one-page response to your viewing of the Skull and Dagger Society's production of 'Picasso at the Lapin Agile' written by Steve Martin. What did you find most enjoyable about it? What did you not enjoy (or not understand the purpose of?) did you observe any tropes (cliches) that stood out to you as passé, or stale?

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Picasso at the Lapin Agile
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Written by American writer and comedian Steve Martin, Picasso at the Lapin Agile is a 1993 play that is full of entertainment and learning lessons. The previous month, I got a chance to see this full-length play along with several friends and cousins. We reached the theater on time, and as the play moved on, the characters of Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso amazed me in a lot of ways.
The play is set in October 1904, and the two leading characters meet at a Paris-based bar known as the Lapin Agile (Mcquillan, 2003). The fact is that every character has something to learn from, including Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein, but what attracted me the most is the character of Schmendiman. He is an inventor; this gentleman is as genius an...
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