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Review of Literature and Theories 2 Messages in Change Theory

Essay Instructions:

1. Change theory often centers on a communication model in which there is a sender who wishes to communicate a message to a receiver and some type of tool or medium by which to establish communication through an environment. However, the environment often contains barriers that disrupt the medium and distort the message. What steps will you need to take to minimize the disruptions and distortions of your message? 1 reference

2. What determines the methodology that a researcher uses, and why? 1 reference

same as previous assignment

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Review of Literature and Theories 2
Institutional Affiliation
Review of Literature and Theories 2
Messages in Change Theory
The success with which a message is transmitted often hinges on a number of factors such as clarity or communication, the use of an appropriate method for communication, and even the context in which said communication is passed. In all instances, however, the barriers that stand to hinder effective communication must be carefully managed and minimized (Mumby, 2013). In essence, the tools of communication as well as the environment in which said communication proceeds need to be well managed to ensure effective message delivery. Failure to observe this rule often results in poor communication and inefficiency at the organizational level.
As far as the means of minimizing message distortions or disruptions are concerned, it is critical to establish effective communication chains that predominantly rely on the use of face-to-face communication as well as other non-face-to-face but reliable methods such as emails. Through the combination of these two approaches, the normal communication barriers that assail communication as a result of the environment such as space, time, and noise can be conveniently avoided (Mumby, 2013). This works well towards ensuring that communication is not only clear, but also that it is resistant to distortions and barriers based on its methods of delivery. The use of face-to-face conversations, for instance, when communicating about personal or sensitive issues significantly influences the communication dynamics to ensure that the message conveyed and the message received are identical and not subjected to being distortion or disruption through mediums or other third-party individuals in the communication chain.
Similarly, it is crucial to also note that communication typically occurs in an official or personal capacity, and as such there is a need to ensure that there are clear guidelines that guide said communication (Mumby, 2013). A good example would be the use of offices whenever communicating vital information in a formal capacity. This not only ma...
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