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Discover Other Renewable Sources Of Energy

Essay Instructions:

Writing Exercise I: Find a Written Conversation
Purpose and Description
Joining any conversation requires that we first learn something about the topic being discussed. Some of us might ask: Why should we put in the effort? Why not just start speaking? We all have our reasons, but in general, we do not want to be misinformed about a subject, we do not want to pass along false or harmful information, and we do not want to be the person who says something that has already been said time and again—and that everyone in the conversation already knows. Your aim in this exercise, specifically, will be to undertake preliminary research on a topic of your choosing from the list provided in order to better inform your audience and yourself about it. Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.
Invention and Inquiry
Identify a topical and debatable public issue that interests you;
Write down several reasons why the issue should be of interest to others;
Identify 5 key words or phrases that you could use to search your topic online;
Conduct a preliminary search of your issue using web-based resources;
Gather 3-5 popular but reputable sources related to your topic;
Create a citation list with appropriate documentation (MLA or APA) for at least 3 of the sources you have gathered.
The Composing Process
Compose a paragraph that introduces your topic and explains what makes it relevant;
Present 3 sources in annotation form (including academic citation and an approximately 100-word summation of the argument);
Compose a paragraph in which you explain how these sources are part of the same conversation and what that might mean for composing an informative essay on your topic.
The audience for this assignment is your instructor and your classmates. You should anticipate that readers have some education and knowledge of the subject but do no necessarily possess a clear or complete understanding of it.
Specific Requirements
Your paper should:
Introduce a topic for research;
Take steps to explain the relevance of the topic;
Gather together and cite multiple sources related to the topic;
Consider how the sources relate to one another in a type of “conversation”;
Include a title that reflects the spirit of the assignment;
Be 1-2 pages in length (single-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface);
Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).
You will build on the work you complete in this assignment for Major Paper I. So, the more work you put in here—reading, researching, gathering and citing sources—the better equipped you will be to compose your informative essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Renewable Energy
The United States uses massive amounts of energy every single day. However, close to 8% of the energy needs of this nation are met by the inclusion of renewable energy sources. This indicates that 92% of the U.S’s energy resources are bound to run out. These energy sources are not renewable, denoting the need to discover other renewable sources of energy, hence the rationale for this paper.
Sources and Annotations
Maradin, D., Cerović, L., & Mjeda, T. (2017). Economic Effects of Renewable Energy Technologies. Our Economy (Nase Gospodarstvo), 63(2), 49-59. doi:10.1515/ngoe-2017-0012
The human race as established in this journal has never ended the struggle of improving their standards of living given that they have colossally depended on electric power in fueling their evolution. The rapid economic developments have seen the frequent consumption of renewable energy technologies. In this regard, the production and use of these renewable energy resources has fostered the need for the development of new technologies, thus establishing new windows of opportunities for entrepreneurial developments. Renewable energy technologies as established by this author have several effects in enhancing the economy of a nation, especially the energy sector that supports activities that are related to this industry. This study therefore analyses the positive and adverse effects of investing in renewable resource technolog...
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