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Reflective Journal week 3

Essay Instructions:

Add to your Wicked Connections Wakelet journal. What are you adding? Specific artifacts, links, media that help portray your interests, abilities, and values.

After you have added some items to your collection that help paint a picture of you, take some time to answer the following:

How do your interests, abilities, and values align with the roles and responsibilities assigned to you in your Global Summit Team?

My role in the group is the scheduler

Where have you had to be flexible or compromise as you work within your team?

This assignment is due Sunday by 11:59 PM EST. Please submit your Wakelet reflection as a URL. You will need to be sure your thread is unlisted. Once you complete your entry you can click on the "Share" button and copy the link for submission. Reflections are graded holistically (once) after the final entry, but you will receive feedback several times throughout the course, prior to your final grade. Be sure to review the attached rubric for evaluation details.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Reflective Journal
When working with a team, it is truly important to know me first, including my personality, skills, interests, likes and dislikes, values, etc. I find that knowing these things will also help a lot in making sure that I am fit for whatever role I take as part of the team. It will help me take advantage of my strengths and this will also be beneficial for the whole team. Aside from this, I should not only focus on my strengths but also on skills and other aspects that I can still improve on so that the group tasks can serve as a stepping stone and a good opportunity for me to be better at specific things that I want to be better at.
If I were to describe myself, the first things that would come into my mind would be organized and loves challenges. I prefer actively doing things and being hands-on as a way of learning instead of solely observing or reading because I believe that I will be able to learn the skill and develop my own techniques along the way as well. This can apply to different things and not just for the tasks related to the Global Summit. I also highly value my time, that is why I always make sure that I spend it wisely but not in a toxic way but in a balanced and healthy manner where there is enough time for myself, my family, work, leisure, and rest. I also love spending my time learning about new things even random ones because it is exciting to know something new even about the simplest things. I show the same kind of respect for other people’s time and I believe this can be shown by being punctual and professional, especially in ...
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