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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Reflective journal on chapter 8. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

this is a reflective journal assignment. I am attaching a word document with the guidelines so please follow it closely. for this order the journal entry is chapter 8, 1 full page in a paragraph format. no need for any titles etc on the assignment page. I am attaching the power point of the chapter and the supplemental videos like the customer service agent told me to do for this order. please watch the voids and skim through notes to get ideas about what to write. make sure its not just copying from notes or videos since its a reflective journal and has to be about something new learned from this chapter, some ideas from it or what made me think hard about it to research or maybe to take any action in future. you can search online for anything to add in the journal entry and write you had to do some research online to find out more about any topic that fascinated you after the lecture but please make sure its in your own words and seems personal. no sources need to be cited here since its not a research project. of course the journal has to be from my point of view as in the writer writing this order.

for anymore questions please ask as you are working on the order instead of having to do a whole revision later. the links of videos are below and other documents are attached .



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflective Journal
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From this journal, I have learned that malnutrition and obesity appear at the opposite ends of a spectrum, but both of them contribute to an unhealthy life in one way or the other. For example, gaining weight excessively could lead to stress, depression, heart problems and mental illnesses of varying types. People living a lazy life are prone to obesity. Similarly, thousands of men, women, and children across the globe are at the risk of developing serious medical conditions due to a lack of food and minerals. In third world countries, for example, hundreds of children lose body weight to an extent, and this interferes with their normal emotional, social and physical development.
The fascinating par...
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