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Book Review: Reflections from an Abused Kid

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Book name is called The Gus Chronicles "Reflections from an Abused Kid" ----author Charles D. Applestein, M.S.W. Please read attached papers on how it's to b done

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Book Review

Book Review
Emotional disturbance refers to a psychological disorder that makes sufferers act differently. Most victims are not social and perform poorly in schools. These behaviors may continue over long periods of time. Non-sufferers also display these behaviors at times. Emotional disturbance is a disability. Special education is recommended for patients especially if their academic performance is affected.
In the book Gus Chronicles, Applestin addresses a fictional story of a thirteen year old boy, Gus E. Studelmeyer who is a victim of physical and sexual abuse, residential treatment facilities, relationships, foster care, neglect, family and other sensitive topics. Gus went to the foster home at a younger age. His mother was a drug addict. Gus has a high IQ of 163. The residential facility’s staff is misusing their power to Gus’s disadvantage. Their rights and freedom are abused. He is, therefore, determined to address these issues and revolutionize the residential homes; at least to bring some changes and show cause why residential staff should not misuse any power vested in them.
Gus painfully feels the void left by her departed mom. Making new relationships has proved difficult for him. He considers friends a necessity in one’s lifetime. Friends are there to spice up our days. Friends make us laugh, care about us, loan us money and also encourage us through hard times. Gus also recommends people who understand the children’s feelings; people who constantly encourage them. Such people need truly to understand the children's origin, as well as their persona. This is an attempt at creating a good rapport with the children. Helpers, therefore, gain information which enables them form reasonable expectations concerning the children’s behavior and personalities. If this is not provided for, the children might end up escaping out of the foster home.
Gus refutes negative labeling of the residential homes. The residential homes are defined with negative adjectives as manipulative, lazy, under-utilized, controlling and obnoxious. Nobody, therefore, wishes to stay in such residential homes. An excellent residential home has caring, insightful, tenacious and financially stable parents according to Gus. Childcare workers should also train on how to anticipate experiencing numerous of feelings. The childcare workers should be well do their best to make the children feel like winners. They should congratulate the kids who do well. Constant congratulations build the kid's self-esteem and self-acceptance. I consider it the first stage of dealing with emotional disturbance.
Gus discusses family involvement in the residential facilities an important undertaking. The family members learn to stay calm when under pressure. Family members also learn how to motivate their suffering children and how to help their children control their behavior. Consequently, the parents appreciate their children’s unique ways from a variety of perspectives. Gus comments negatively about powerlessness. He defines the feeling of help...
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