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Reflection on Embroidered Pillows

Essay Instructions:

Please select ONE of the following two paper topics. Explore the questions thoroughly and focus on producing a good, detailed discussion of the story based on close textual analysis. Please avoid unnecessary plot summary and generalization. Your paper should be at least 3 pages in length, double-space, in 12-point Times New Roman (at least 800 words).

1)In her article, “Virtuous Transactions,” Rey Chow offers a critical reading of Ling Shuhua’s short story, “Embroidered Pillows.” Chow argues that “the irony of Eldest Young Mistress’ existence can be described in terms of ‘alienated labor.’ However hard-working she is and however excellent the products of her labor, her ‘fate’ is beyond her control.” Do you agree with Chow’s argument about the futile work of the Eldest Young Mistress? If yes, please provide your analysis of the story to support this argument. If not, please offer your opinion with your analysis of the story. Either way, please also consider the meanings of the embroidered pillow in this story.

2)In his article, “Obsession with China,” C. T. Hsia argues that “in Lu Hsun’s stories, if the scholar-gentry class bears greater responsibility for China’s shame, the illiterate masses are no more hopeful in their state of stupor and superstition. With luck the Chinese youth might be spared the fate of their elders, but he is not too sure.” (p. 542) How do you agree with Hsia’s point of view? What Hsia meant by “Chinese youth” is particularly modern intellectuals of Lu Xun’s time. Please consider the Madman in “Diary of a Madman” and the first-person narrator in “New Year Sacrifice.” How did Lu Xun portray the role of modern intellectuals as China transit from imperial to modern times? Discuss the level of self-awareness, sense of historical agency, and relation to the masses as explored in these two stories.

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Women were always treated poorly in ancient times. They did not have the same opportunities as men and were assigned roles because of their gender. Women, for instance, are expected to learn how to do various household chores. Whether they complete their education makes no difference because they are expected to marry, bear a child, and manage a home (Cerrato & Cifre, 2018). Therefore, women are regarded as inferior. In addition, Chow’s remark about the short story Embroidered Pillows (Ling, 1981) shows that a hardworking woman whose products may be excellent still cannot escape her fate. It means that no matter how much effort a woman puts in, it will always be in vain because society places little value on a woman’s work. However, there are several gender equality movements in the modern era. Furthermore, more people are becoming aware that women can do what men can do and that women, too, are capable of great things. Thus, it is argued in this paper that if a woman learns to appreciate herself and her work, no effort will be wasted.
Chow (1988) claims that Chinese women give up their desires in exchange for a social position. Women do not mind making sacrifices as long as they get their social status, where they can earn respect and power. The main character in the story, Embroidered Pillows, exemplifies this statement. She is a hardworking woman who gives up her time, effort, and personal desires to produce high-quality cushions. People who work with her admire her for her craftsmanship and the colorful and appealing cushions she creates. Once, she makes a cushion that will be offered and delivered to powerful men who could be potential lovers or people who could bring the embroiderer wealth and fame. She makes the cushion while showing her full passion and dedication. She works on it all the time, even when the weather is terrible or she is exhausted. Unfortunately, the embroiderer discovered that her works had been turned into scraps after the people overused her precious cushions. The embroiderer’s dream of being noticed by people in positions of power and admired by the general public faded after she realized that all her efforts had been in vain (Ling, 1981). It is revealed in the story that despite the woman's efforts, she does not deserve any recognition for her beautiful creations because of her gender. She lives in a society where only men have the power to rule, and women have no rights to be recognized for their efforts.
Contrary to Chow’s belief, if a woman puts in much effort, she does not need to be recognized by anyone but herself, and her actions will not be in vain. A woman aware of her weaknesses and strengths is more likely to comprehend and value everything she does. A woman who admits to herself that she has flaws can improve. She takes the necessary steps to improve these flaws and turn them into strengths. Furthermore, a woman who und...
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