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Redefining Masculinity

Essay Instructions:
Read the attached article "Redefining masculinity "by Rebecca and write 1/2 page reflective paper on what you learn from it,what do you think about it, and what you can add or take out from it.
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Redefining Masculinity
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(July 25, 2012)
Redefining Masculinity
According to the trio doctors in psychology Seymour, Smith and Torres American men and boys have being socialized to the believe that men should be tough, aggressive, reserved in emotions and keen to acquire wealth. A summary of the Rebecca paper gives the understanding that masculinity definition is not well defined to males, they don`t know what it is to be a man which makes them aggressive due to narrow coping mechanism. From the paper l learn that the notion of being male is mostly dichotomous and rigid creating little room for emotional reaction. These cultural traits are engulfed in individuals during socialization process and that`s what is later seen when individuals matures and grow up. The strong unemotional and aggressive side of maleness is what is emphasized leaving behind the caring and emotional areas of males.
My input is that the efforts to redefine masculinity is ingenuous, the fact that the psychologists want to add to the perception of maleness in order to include the emotional side of males so that they can be able to react better to situation while retaining the traditional traits is great. I support the fact that the new definition would make it more flexible for individuals to react better to situations without feeling less manly, l also support the less emphasis on negative traits of masculinity with manhood and support posi...
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