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Recognizing and Responding to Justifications

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ASSIGNMENT #2 Recognizing and Responding to Justifications This assignment offers you the opportunity to think more deeply about an incident, an unethical choice, in your life; either your AI incident or some other time in your life when you knowingly violated one of the core principles of integrity (honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness and trustworthiness). You will look at the contributing factors including personal weaknesses and external obstacles as well as justifications for the incident. You will also respond to those justifications while drawing on your personal values and the values associated with integrity. PART I To begin, decide what incident of unethical behavior in your life you would like to explore further: your academic integrity violation or a different past incident in which you knowingly violated a core principle of integrity. In just one or two sentences, explain the incident. Explicitly state what you did and which value(s) of integrity your action(s) went against. PART II A. Contributing Factors Looking at the incident, write about what external frustrations, challenges or obstacles (ie. circumstances beyond your control such as being ill for two weeks) might have contributed to your choice(s) and interfered with your ethical decision-making? Detail at least two. Thinking about yourself, what weaknesses did/do you have that may have contributed to your choice(s) and interfered with your ethical decision-making? Detail at least two. B. Justifications When we make a choice that is inconsistent with our core beliefs and values, we often try to justify the behavior to make ourselves feel better. How did you justify your choices and lack of ethical decision-making? What did you say to yourself before, during and after the incident to make yourself feel better or correct in your course of action (eg. “I needed a good grade because I want to get into grad school”, “It is none of my business so I won’t get involved”)? List at least three. Write several sentences for each justification, exploring them in detail, explaining how each is connected to the action you took. Do these justifications sound familiar to you? Have you used these before in other situations (is there a pattern)? If not, write about at least two other justifications that you have more typically used to try to excuse choices or behavior. PART III A. Responding to Justifications Thinking about your core beliefs and values as well as the values associated with integrity, respond to at least three of your most common justifications, writing at least a paragraph for each. Answer the following questions as part of your response: ● Are there assumptions (eg. “I will fail if I don’t do this”) or lies (eg. “No one else will be hurt by this) underlying those justifications? If yes, explain. Or perhaps there is actually truth in the justifications (ie. You were really overwhelmed with other work at the time), but that truth does not excuse or justify the behavior/choice. Explain why. ● Also, think about what you could have done instead in this situation and explain. ● Lastly, write about what you can do in the future to confront justifications before they lead you to an unethical choice.

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Recognizing and Responding to Justifications
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In our everyday lives, people encounter many different decisions that are needed with different scales of attention. In some cases, people tend to face too tricky challenges, which led them to produce far from their values. They also tend to find justifications that could support their actions to be somewhat seen as ethical. In my situation, lying would be my unethical choice since I violated the principle of honesty, even in a minor manner.
Looking back, there are different cases of lying that happened within my life story, so that means there are also many different reasons. One reason would be with the influence of my peers, and I was too absorbed in the thought of hanging out with my friends that I lied to my parents that we went for a project rather than hanging out. The second would be because of my slightly strict parents. I was too envious of my classmates hanging out of school, having s love-life, or going out on dates that I lied to my parents that I was studying well, although I was more absorbed in this thought. On the other hand, I think my weaknesses are being too easy to be influenced by my environment and being too insecure or envious. Those two reasons may be why I started lying to my parents, even on a minor scale.
And to justify my actions, I even told myself, “This is because they are too strict to me.” I branded those words to me since I knew that lying was wrong, but my urge to experience things was mor...
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