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Receive Greetings from Chris Bright

Essay Instructions:

Write a 1 page letter in the voice of a Northern man or woman living during the Slave Era who has just read one of the slave narratives by an author in this module. What would he/she say to a friend or even the author him/herself? Include key points from the narrative in the letter and create a believable response from the person you have created. Is he/she moved to help the abolitionist movement? Is he/she surprised by the details of slavery included in the narrative? Consider including religious beliefs and class in your letter. Be creative and sign it with the person's name. Your name does not need to be included as this should be written in letter format. You should make sure that the reader of your letter understands who the writer is--is he/she wealthy? where does he/she live? what is his/her occupation? Feel free to play with font to make this more aunthentic.

"Some of the authors in this module are david walker, sojourner truth, harriet jacobs, george moses horton... just to give you an idea of who was in this era. You can read some of their work if that would give a better understanding of this assignment."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Slave letter
Student’s Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
Slave letter
Chris Bright,
San Diego, CA 11789,
David Walker
RE: Response to the slave era narrative
Receive greetings from Chris Bright.
This is a letter to express my opinion concerning one of the narratives you have authored about the slave era. I am a son of a slave father, therefore, I deeply relate with the slave era. You were featured in the Freedom’s Journal of 1802, and by coincidence I was the publisher. Amidst Publishing I also own a clothing business in San Diego, which is also my home town. As a publisher of the freedom’s Journal where you frequently posted articles, I attest of your courage and the skill of a visionary leader.
In full support of the abolitionist movement, David Walker I must commend you for being a confident and outspoken African-American activist. During this slave era, it is dangerous to stand out and publicly call for the abolition of slavery for the black people. However, regardless of the dangers you have chosen to stand for what you believe in. The passion in which Walker speaks against slavery is tremendous. I also believe blacks are not inferior to whites, therefore, have the right to be freed from the bondage of slavery.
I am black and I believe that God made us black as he was pleased with what he saw. The whites are deceived if they think holding blacks in the chains of slavery will make them wish to be whites. I am surprised even in churches the reverends have the a...
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