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Politics of Fela kuti and his views over black andwhite separations

Essay Instructions:
PART A; Your research findings You must assume the role of research guide to others interested in your topic. Imagine a member of the public who is interested in your topic being able to read and understand how and why you conducted your research the way you did. You become the expert and act as a pathway for others (classmates, members of the public, proud parents, other teachers, next years IDC students, etc.) to broaden their knowledge. Part A is the narrative of your research process. - Justify your choice of topic. - Explain how your topic is connected to AFROBEAT, and what other topics it's most closely related to. - What sources (websites, books, periodicals etc.) you have used. - What information each source provides (your own summary). - A discussion of what perspectives or biases you detect in each source. - A discussion of what perspectives or biases you detect in each source. - An evaluation of the credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness of the each source. - A description of the path that you've followed from one source to the next' what made you look further? Was it a name, a term, a link??? How have you “connected the dots”? - Be sure to include a description of any hurdles, roadblocks or dead ends you have encountered. Explain how you overcame any obstacles and analyze why you could not overcome others. In this process our misses and failures are as informative and important as our hits and successes. - A description of what you have learned, how your thinking has evolved and how you perspective have changed. - What new questions have developed in your mind, ones that could potentially be explored in order to extend your topic and you research. - 25-30 sources should be examined. Embedded citations seem to work best but a works cited list is also ok. - A minimum of the equivalent of 10 pages concise writing (including works cited) ies expected. Use 12-point font and single spacing. Remember you are in grade 12 and this is a University level course and appropriate levels of sophistication in writing styles and analysis are expected. - Include relevant graphics; photos, cartoons maps, diagrams graphs, charts etc. 6-12 is about the right number. Be sure to reference these correctly. - Remember that you can email individuals and organizations with questions or for request information you are after. Be sure to only identify yourself by your first name and to keep track of your exchanges. You can include the most interesting and relevant part of these “ Email conversations” in your. - All work must be submitted to Turitin.com in a single document with Parts B and C. Please does not make a paper copy. Part B; Your analysis of your own critical thinking In Part B of your summative you are to relate your research process to the critical thinking skills we have developed and learned about throughout this year. You need to log the skills you employ as you carry out your research. Keep a file of what skills are used and in which parts of the project you used them. I suggest you think about and record which skills you use each time you conduct any research. For each hour you work on the summative spend 45 min. researching and 15 min. analyzing and recording how you have used critical thinking as part of the project. If you wait until you have finished part A to start part B you will end up with lower quality work and a lower mark. - What skills have you used? - How have you used them? - To what degree has thinking critically allowed you to be successful in Part A - In what parts of the process where various critical thinking skills most important? - A minimum of 5 pages,( 12pt. font and single spaced) is expected for this section. - All work must be submitted to turnitin.com in a single document with Part A and part C. No paper copies please Part C; The summary of your peer discussion This task involved a record of discussion with another member of the class. You should have your discussion with someone who has a topic which is unline your own topic. The purpose of this discussion is not only to learn about someone else's process but to gain more insight into your own. The idea is to compare approaches, methods, perspectives and results with another member of the class. This discussion can be done in person, on the phone or over the web. A face-to-face or phone interview/ discussion should be about 20 minutes and an email interview should be approximately equivalent to that. - Did his person use the same methods and strategies as you? - How was this discussion helped you clarify your own approaches - Which of your own biases did you discover though this discussion? - Do you see this person as holding different attitudes or outlooks then you do? - All work must be submitted to turnitin.com in a single document with Parts A and B. Part D: Work Log This is a class-by-class record of your attendance, punctuality, goals and work accomplished. This is the method by which your progress will be tracked. This wil be collected in class. You do not submit this to Turnitin.com Hi there, Okay so this essay needs to be done as the way it was said on PART A, PART B , PART C and PART D I have notes from the class which would help. This course is about Critical Thinking, So for sure you need to apply the notes that he gave us on the essay. You do not need to SPECIFICALLY talk about "BLACK AND WHITE SEPARATION " you can write this essay about what ever you like but that regards to AFROBEAT and Fela kuti who was the famous guy back in that days... You can talk about his political views, his interest in his lyrics. What ever that you can do research on and have more information. Please let me know if you need anything more regarding to Critical Thinking. Thanks a lot looking forward for anything
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Politics of Fela kuti and his views over black andwhite separations
Politics of Fela kuti and his views over black andwhite separations
I choose this topic because Fela is among the 20th century most vital musicians and campaigners, and having gathered most of his recordings, I believe I have an outstanding position for establishing a compilation. That spirit reigns in his songs, which has not tampered at all, their influence, not even the bits that are more than 30 years of age, is truly religious. To pay attention is to accept as true, one has to be ready for the journey of invention this enormous man takes them on. He rejoices the pleasure of being African and conveys his misery at the Africans dignity rape. His music opens ones eyes and soul. It is truthfully great composition. He combines Yoruba, rock, orchestra, and jazz music smoothly (Clarke & Clarke, 2011). He is among Nigeria's leading artistes who has smoothened the road in support of Afro-pop melodies. Songs similar to "Teacher Don't Teach Me Nonsense" as well as "Unknown Soldier" actually demonstrate his political enthusiasm and communication. He is extremely clear and honest regarding his political visions. Fela was (emotionally) very concerned with the politics of Nigeria and made vocals of the dishonesty and leadership lack that afflict the nation's administration even now.
Just like in Nigerian prose, Fela Kuti as well articulates of the state's detest of the colonialism of the British, and the "white gentleman's burden" viewpoint, which tends to be the consideration that other ethnicities are substandard to whites in addition to that, via colonization and relations, the whites are capable of "educating" and culturing the blacks. His music, however, is slightly repetitive as well as "jam band-ish," hence it is likely to hear similar riff all through a song. Compositions like "Jingo" and "Beasts of No Nation," are amazing with the orchestra's sound playing a large task in them. The addition of horns as well as trombones along with trumpets makes a contagious melody, which makes one desire to rise and dance. It is in addition very simple to perceive the ancestry of Fela's songs. The African pulse and beat is what formulates his music uniqueness. His composition is upbeat, although calming and pressing. It is illogical, but is cautiously crafted (Clarke & Clarke, 2011).
How Politics of Fela kuti and his views over black and white separations is related to AFROBEAT and other topics
Afro beat is among the boldest as well as the most fundamental forms of objection music the globe has ever heeded. Fela Kuti, Afro beat`s original designer, was a radical criminal who applied his music like a weapon intended to expose as well as physically attack the injustice perpetrators in his residence Nigeria and all over Africa (Ramnarine, 2007). His main targets incorporated Nigeria's dishonest military government, the post-colonial nobility's oppression of native civilizations, and corporate gluttony and the misuse of the natural resources of Africa and working group. Fela's Afro beat campaign for a liberated, democratic; communally just Africa spanned starting from the untimely seventies until in 1997 when he died from AIDS. Through the Motivation of Pan-Africanism, Fela integrated African instruments, comprising klips sticks, Konga drums, as well as the sekere, which is a drumming instrument. His music was deep African harmony, the beat, the tonality, the sounds, the chord series, the individual outcome of every instrument and every part of the group. It was afro beat, afro jazz, afro rock, and afro funk among other genres (Ramnarine, 2007).
Fela's objection music turned out to be much admired among the lines of Nigeria's jobless, subjugated, and politically rebellious. His music--named "Afro-Beat"—tends to be a combination of jazz merged with, Ghanaian Highlife, African beats and American blues, whilst his critical lines in African and Pidgin English challenge government dishonesty, international companies, and police cruelty. His type of music instigates from juju melody, which is extremely popular amongst the Yoruba`s within Nigeria, jazz melody and mixture of melodic instruments, mainly outstandingly, the saxophone, which greatly influenced the genus of hip pop. The significance in his songs is freedom for the deprived and fairness among people (Ramnarine, 2007). His spiritual arousing through getting in touch with the movement of Black Power in the United States and the dishonesty in Africa that he so vibrantly condemned.
Sources Used
Among the sources used for this research are books like, "Let`s make some noise axe and the African Roots of Brazilian popular music" by Clarence Bernard Henry, "How racism takes place" George Lipsitz. Additionally, "Arrest the music!: Fela and his rebel art and politics" by Tejumola Olaniyan and "Songs in the key of black life: a rhythm and blues nation" by Anthony Mark Neal. Others include, "Fela: the life & times of an African musical icon" by Michael E. Veal. " Music and Consciousness: Philosophical, Psychological, and cultural perspectives" by David Clarke, Erik Clarke, " Fela: from West Africa to West Broadway" by Trevor Schoonmaker. "Colonial Systems of Control: Criminal Justice in Nigeria" by Viviane Saleh-Hanna, Chris Affor, " A to X of Alternative music" by Steve Taylor and " The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction" by Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert, and Richard Middleton. In addition, the research incorporates some websites namely, " Fela Kuti Profile and Biography- World Music- About.com" by Megan Romer, "Fela Anikulapo Kuti" by African Music Encyclopedia, "Fela Kuti and Afro beat Music" by Dink96, "who is Fela Kuti " by Henry Myers, " Musician Hero: Fela Kuti" by Geeta Malik, " Fela Anikulapo- Kuti - World Music Central. Org" by Rikki Stein. Also incorporated are periodicals like " The Cosmopolitan Nativist: Fela Anikulapo- Kuti and the Antinomies of Postcolonial Modernity" by Tejumola Olaniyan, " Fela Anikulapo- Kuti Protest Music and Social Processes in Nigeria" by Justin Labinjoh, "Musical Performance in the Diaspora: Introduction" by Tina K. Ramnarine . Others include "Fela and His Wives: The Import of a Post colonial Masculinity" by Derek Stanovsky, " Yabis: A Phenomenon in the Contemporary Nigerian Music" by Michael, Olatunji, " Music influenced by political and commercial censorship" by Marie Korpe & Ole Reitov. In addition, "On defining the "Local" Through World Music" by Jocelyn Guilbault, "The Construction of a Nigerian Nationalist and Feminist, Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti" by Raisa Simola and " Riffing on Resistance: Music in Chris Abani`s Graceland" by Stefan Sereda.
1."Let`s make some noise axe and the African Roots of Brazilian Popular Music"
Through interrogations with practitioners as well as local singers, the book clarifies how various Brazilian admired music styles for example ijex, bossa nova, samba, ax and samba-reggae, have melodic and stylistic aspects that originate from Afro-Brazilian belief. The book in addition discusses the way young Afro-Brazilians merge Candombl spiritual music amid African American melody for instance rap, soul, jazz, blues, gospel, and funk.
Perspectives or biases
In this book, the author focuses on scrutinizing how the notions of ax as well as Candombl belief have been apted and rediscovered in Brazilian admired music and ethnicity. It does not bias.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since he has given his name and the book has been published by a well-established publisher.
2. "How racism takes place"
In this book, Lipsitz asserts that racism perseveres because a system of practices distorts chances and life probabilities beside racial lines.
Perspectives or biases
Lipsitz focuses on examining the ways wherein urban liberty and social familiarity are racialized. He stresses that hurt groups of people do not reflexively acquiesce to prejudice. There is no bias.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since the name is given. It is also updated making it reliable. It shows the source list thus making the information strong. It is useful for people seeking information on racism, and its effects.
3."Arrest the music!: Fela and his rebel art and politics"
This book closes in a convincing analysis of the affiliation between Fela's actually incompatible presentational characters.
Perspectives or biases
Tejumola Olaniyan presents a wider, additional suggestive viewpoint on Fela as well as his effect on spectators in all branches of the planet. It is not biased.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since the author identifies himself. It is also reliable since it is up to date and the publisher is well identified. It is strong since the sources are well cited. The source is useful for scholars seeking to know about Fela`s musical journey.
4."Songs in the key of black life: a rhythm and blues nation"
The author disagrees that R&B-frequently dismissed like "just a love songs cluster," however the second mainly popular genus in stipulations of sales. Neal directs his readers through the classic and modern artists work varying from Macy Gray to Marvin Gaye.
Perspectives or biases
In the initial part of the manuscript, "Rhythm," Neil uses the songs of Meshell N'degeocello, Alicia Keys, among others like guideposts to issues affecting black life .The second section of the manuscript, "Blues," employs the improvisational tempos of black tunes as a simile to scrutinize contemporary in black being. He does not bias.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The author is identified as well as his operational department. The book is a reliable source since it is updated and published by an established publisher. The source is strong as the information sources are well cited making it more reliable. It is useful for scholars seeking to know about the role of music in racism especially of the black life.
5."Fela: the life & times of an African musical icon"
In this book, the author demonstrates that in the middle of political chaos in Africa, in addition to regeneration of pro-African literary nationalism all over the Diaspora, Kuti's political music performs like a post-colonial talent form that employs cross-cultural trade to influence an exclusive and influential African essentialism.
Perspectives or biases
The author focuses on class, race, and country on both Atlantic`s regions. As he demonstrates, more than three decades Kuti synthesized an exclusive musical speech while as well clearing a room for accepted political opposition and a kind of counter-literary expression seldom perceived in West Africa. He does not bias.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since they have given the name and their professional department. It is reliable as well since the source happens to have worked with Fela so he has actual and original information. It is strong in the sense that the sources of other information are well cited. The source is useful for persons seeking to know about Fela and his musical career.
6. Music and Consciousness: Philosophical, Psychological, and cultural perspectives
This book contains 20 essays, which offer diverse takes on subjects that revolve music along with consciousness, both tackling existing programs, and introducing novel ones.
Perspectives or biases
The completely set makes apparent that to recognize consciousness one needs to do a lot more than glance at brains. It perceives that the lessons of consciousness are a simply Western obsession.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since their names are given as well as their location. It is reliable since it is up to date and the publisher is a well-established one. It is strong since the original sources of information are well cited. The source is useful for scholars searching for information regarding music consciousness.
7." Fela: from West Africa to West Broadway"
The book contains essays, which explore Fela`s blazing life and his ever-growing legacy.
Perspectives or biases
The entire collection focuses on the life and music of the legend Fela. No bias is noted.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The book is credible since it is up to date and the author is given. It is reliable since it is well documented with a known publisher. It is strong since the sources of information are also given. It can be useful for persons seeking to know about Fela and his music.
8. Colonial Systems of Control: Criminal Justice in Nigeria
This book shows the realism of detention in Nigeria whilst contextualizing the regal legacies, which have led to the cruel brutalities that are tolerated on every day basis.
Perspectives or biases
The author exposes The European punitive models and establishments introduced to Nigeria throughout colonialism as essentially illogical in the midst of the resolution principles of society-based conflict of most African communal structures and integrity models.
The source is credible since the names of the authors are given as well as their occupational department. It is reliable in the sense that it is up to date and the sources are well documented. It is strong in the sense that the material given is relevant and well researched. It can be useful for persons seeking to know about the brutalities in Nigerian prisons.
9.A to X of Alternative music
The book entails global giants such as Prince, Radiohead, Bob Dylan, Nirvana and cult favorites such as the Pixies, Joy Division, the Velvet Underground and the Sex Pistols; in addition to lesser-known establishers like Fela Kuti, Can, Spacemen 3 and MC5.
Perspectives or biasesThe author alphabetically organizes entries evaluating each proceed based on their assertion to alternative rank consistent with three principles: musical output, working practice, as well as cultural perception.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is published by a well-known publisher hence credible. The name of the author is given as well as the sources of information hence reliable. The information given is well researched hence strong. It is useful for persons seeking to know more about music as well as the artists used in the book.
10.Fela Kuti Profile and Biography- World Music- About.com
In this webpage, Megan Romer writes about the life of Fela Kuti both personally and career wise.
Perspectives or biases
The author focuses on giving information regarding to Fela both personally and career wise.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since they are associated with about. Com-world music. Though they have given their name, it might be unreliable since the date of publication is not given hence it might be outdated, also the sources of information are not given making the reader assume the author is the original source of information. It is, however, strong since compared to information given from other sources it is similar so it shows that it has been researched. It is however useful for persons seeking to know about the life of Fela.
11.Fela Anikulapo Kuti
The African encyclopedia writes of the profile of Fela Kuti from his personal life, to his music.
Perspectives or biases.
The author focuses on the biography of Fela Kuti
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
It is incredible since even if the name is given of the author it is hidden at the bottom. It is unreliable since it was published in 1998, which shows that it is outdated. It is not strong either since there are no sources given to show the origin o information. It is however useful to persons seeking to know of Fela Kuti`s life
12.Fela Kuti and Afro beat Music
In this webpage, Dink96 tells of how he was introduced to Fela Kuti`s music and continues to write about Fela`s life personally and musically.
Perspectives or biases
The author aims at introducing Fela`s music and giving a brief history of his life. It is not biased.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The information is credible since the author is a hub author who has also given his name. It is reliable since it is related to an organization dubbed Hub Pages Inc. The information is also reliable since it is updated copyright (2012). However, it is not strong since it does not give the source of the information. This makes the reader to assume the author is the source of information himself. It is ,though, useful to persons seeking information regarding Fela Kuti.
13.Who is Fela Kuti ?
In this webpage, Henry Myers talks of a project that honors Fela Kuti giving his bibliography and how music legend influences today music.
Perspectives or biases
The author brings out the life of Fela Kuti both in a personal and musical perspective. There is no bias.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The information is credible since the author has indicated his name as well as the date of publication. It is also reliable since it has been an associated with an organization dubbed, "Red Hot- Fighting AIDS through Popular Culture". The source shows the strength through giving their location and year of publication, which is up to date. The source can be useful to scholars seeking for knowledge about Fela Kuti and his music.
14. Musician Hero: Fela Kuti
In this page, Geeta Malik says of how big names like James Brown and Erykah Badu owe much of their musicianship to the influence of Fela Kuti.
Perspectives or biases
The author aims at showing how Fela Kuti refused to live in fear, but instead used his music to communicate what his thoughts. It is not biased.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since he has given his name and date of publication. The information is also reliable since it has been associated with an association dubbed The My Hero Project, Inc. However, it is not strong since it does not give any sources, thus making the reader assume that the author is the original source of information. It is nevertheless useful for persons seeking to know more about Fela Kuti.
15.Fela Anikulapo- Kuti - World Music Central. Org
In this page, Rikki Stein writes about the bibliography of Fela Kuti.
Perspectives or biases
The author aims at writing a biography of Fela Kuti in respect to the friendship they shared for 15 years. It is not biased.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since she has given her name. It is also reliable since the source has written a bibliography page showing her sources of information. It can also be considered reliable since the source was a close working friend of Fela. The bibliography page and the association with Copyright World Music Central Organization make it stronger. It is useful to scholars seeking information regarding Kuti and his music.
16.The Cosmopolitan Nativist: Fela Anikulapo- Kuti and the Antinomies of Postcolonial Modernity
In this periodical, Fela Kuti is shown as one whose legacy lives even after his death.
Perspectives or biases
The source aims at showing how relevant Fela`s music is today even after his death. It is not biased.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since the name is indicated. The information is also reliable since the publisher is given and the date of publication. It is also strong since the sources have been cited properly . It is useful to scholars seeking to know the role Fela`s music played and the role it plays today.
17.Fela Anikulapo- Kuti Protest Music and Social Processes in Nigeria
In this periodical, Justin Labinjoh uses Fela`s biography to indicate the social processes and social reality that exists in Nigeria.
Perspectives or biases
The author aims to show how individual consciousness not only organizes his social world interpretation and perception but also triggers his exceptional social action.
Credibility, reliability, strength, and usefulness
The source is credible since he has given his name and his University. The information is reliable since Sage Publications, Inc. has published it. It is strong since it is well cited and dated. It is useful for persons researching about Kuti and NIGERAIN music.
18."The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction"
The book looks at the association between music...
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