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Ethnicization and racialization

Essay Instructions:
2) Give scholarly definitions citing the pg number of ethnicization and racialization. 3) Describe and give examples of the concepts of ethnicization, racialization, ethnicity, and race. (Maximum: 1 ¾ pages)
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The traditional difference between ethnicity and race has become a very complicated issue. Ethnicization is the formation of social boundaries that aim to guard the truthfulness of ethnic cultural heritages. Racialization can be termed as a process of distinction in accordance to race, as well as the imposition of racial temperament on an individual or action. Ethnicity is regularly assumed the cultural identity of a certain group in literature (Alexander &Claire & Alleyne & Brian, 2002: 541). Moreover, race has always been defined as the cultural or biological naturalization of a particular group. This group is usually based on hierarchy of inferiority and superiority that is involved in the biological formation of their bodies. There are various description and examples of ethnicization, racialization, ethnicity and race concepts.
Ethnicization practice has been there since time in memorial all over the world. Despite many efforts to reduce it, numerous countries have continually faced the same old problem of ethnicization. In Zimbabwe, various ethnic groups have experienced social exclusion and racialized society dynamics. The dynamics institutionalized the supremacy of race as a philosophy for sorting out social life (Faist, 1995:220). Even to date, most people still believe that the theorists that analyze the status of women make many assumptions that patriarchy bears the single foundation of women’s oppression. There are superior ethnic groups than the others in some countries. Thus, the inferior citizens loose the right to access of resources and even employment leading to poverty and the feeling of inferiority complex. Ethnic clashes have been the order of the day to the countries that failed to control it. The clashes may develop to both poor economic and social development.
Racialization on the other hand has frequently affected many people as well. In the multicultural world, every country...
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