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Race and Food Security: A Global Problem (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:


In the last two weeks, we have reviewed and discussed in length about food insecurity around the world. We have reviewed the key drivers of food insecurity, and the underlying dynamics. Please write a four to five pages comprehensive response to the materials we have discussed including offering insights on any novel strategies that were not mentioned in the readings that could be important in tackling food insecurity around the world. Please support your response with evidence from peer reviewed research articles we have used in class or other scholarly sources (at least 4-5 sources).

Preparatory Process

Please re-read the articles we have reviewed in class. What were their main arguments? Did they use any evidence to support their main arguments? Were there any other important points that you think were not brought out in the readings and the class discussions? Were there lines of thinking that were evidently missing in the peer reviewed articles? Have the readings enhanced your thinking and understanding of food insecurity in developing countries? If countries are to tackle food insecurity, what should they pay attention to? Are there foundational investments that are not being made?

Writing Process

Please draw on major arguments and linkages that were made in explaining the key drivers to food insecurity around the world. Use the arguments and themes to organize your essay. Use the main arguments raised to get more evidence and back up the points you make in your essay.

You might want to think about separating your paper into sections as a way to organize your paper. For example,

 Introduction (Be sure to let the reader know the purpose of your essay)

 Main argument 1 [Main Body]

 Main argument 2 [Main Body]

 Main argument 3 [Main Body]

 Paragraph highlighting novel strategies that can be used to tackle food insecurity

 Conclusion (Reiterate the purpose of your essay and summarize main findings)

 Works Cited or References Page

The [Main Body] of your essay should be a thorough analysis and exploration of the main arguments that were raised in the peer reviewed articles. Alongside your analysis should be evidence from course readings or any other scholarly sources you may find.


All essays must be typed (in a clear and readable print format), aligned with justified format, printed, and stapled. Please use 12-point font, double spacing, one-inch margins, and American Psychological Association (APA) citation formatting. All papers should be numbered, have a title and include a heading with your full name, course title, my name, and date on page one.

5 PowerPoints and 13 articles (attached):

1.State of Food 2020


2. UN The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World

3. Carth et al. 2018

4. Hurni, H. et al. 2015: Soils, agriculture and food security


5. Hendricks (2015) - Reading

6. To Ensure Food Security Keep Soils Healthy

7. Hurni et al. 2015 -Soil, agriculture and food security: the interplay between ecosystem functioning and human well being

8. Ahluwalia S. (2019) Food aid to the developing world: The subversive effects of modern-day neo-colonialism

9. Zakari S. et al. 2014 : Factors influencing household security in West Africa

10. Four things you should know about Food Insecurity in Africa

11. van Ittersum et al. 2016 - Required Reading for Monday Class

12. Sachez, P.A. 2015 - Required Reading for Monday Class

13. Issahaku G. and Abdulai A (2019). Can farm households improve food and nutrition security through adoption of climate-smart practices? Empirical evidence from Northern Ghana

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Race and Food Security: A Global Problem
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Subject and Section
Professor’s name
One of our world’s main problems is the scarcity of food because it belongs to humans' top necessities. Without food, life would be meaningless, and one cannot survive without food. Sadly, no matter how many organizations try to solve this problem, it is still not enough. Countless people are still suffering and dying every day because they cannot have enough good food sources. The United Nations, together with various government agencies, is working hard to find a way to have a stable solution for this problem but still fail to do so. Numerous developing countries are experiencing this because of a lack of money and other resources. They are being deprived of food, which results in hunger, which is another possible outcome of food insecurity (HealthPeople.gov, 2020). It has increased in many countries where the economy has slowed down or contracted, mostly in middle-income countries (UNICEF, 2019). Therefore, food insecurity is a problem both in industrialized and marginalized societies worldwide. The difference lies with the extent of the impact of inadequate food and nutrition.
Food availability refers to adequate food quantities of excellent quality that may be supplied through domestic production, imports, or storage (Food and Agriculture Organization, 2006). Food insecurity is a problem that many factors may influence. Some of these factors are based on income, employment, race/ethnicity, disability, and population increase. Now, the world faces the need for an increased food supply secondary to the continuously growing population globally (Worldfoodday, 2016; Carthy et al., 2018).
The increase in population cannot be controlled. This leads to problems with food security worldwide. There are around 60% of the total population who suffer from this, and most are women and children. Five million children ages five and below suffer and die from undernutrition annually (Worldfoodday, 2016; Carthy et al., 2018).
Moreover, it is estimated that there will be almost 70% food reduction by 2050 due to the increase in infrastructure and the decrease in the farmlands and forests (Carthy et al., 2018). This demonstrates a causal relationship between food security and overpopulation because once a woman is pregnant and cannot receive healthy food, the baby in her womb is also affected. The nutrients both needed by the mother and the child are not achieved, resulting in complications during delivery or, worse, both lives’ death. Lack of food for a pregnant woman also results in the child's abnormality when he is born. Women are capable of bearing a child, and those children under the age of five may have also died from malnutrition because when they were still in their mother’s womb, there was also no enough nutrients given to them.
No matter how rich a country is, we cannot deny that they might also experience a shortage of food at some point, but for African and Niger countries, food insecurity is a significant challenge. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) explains that food security entails a justified and reliable distribution and access to healthy food, physically and economically. This is important for people to achieve their daily dietary needs without contemplating the restrictions such as financial incapability. This definition has four crucial interlinked components of food security: availability, access, stability, and utilization. Therefore, a household can be considered food secure in a given period if it has enough food to provide for its members all the usual meals in a day. If not, the household is food insecure (Zakari et al., 2014).
Niger remains one of the world’s marginalized nations. This is the reason why many government agencies or other international organizations reach out to help the country. Currently, it is experiencing an extreme food crisis, thereby endangering its citizens' health and overall well-being. Nevertheless, despite the Nigerian govern...
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