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Puyi Autobiography Excerpts: New State Of Manchukuo

Essay Instructions:

For this paper, you will read excerpts from the autobiography of Puyi, who was the nominal ruler of the country of “Manchukuo” during the 1930s and early 1940s. The excerpts are available on Blackboard.

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Puyi Autobiography Excerpts Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Puyi Autobiography Excerpts The party organised by colonel Itagaki to celebrate his elevation to become the chief executive of the new state of Manchukuo under forced terms, is a precursor to an all Manchurian assembly in which a resolution is passed to proclaim independence of the Northeast . Puyi is to be confirmed the new office holder. He prepares two notes, one for refusal and another for acceptance. This is a calculated move as he accepts to oversee for a period of one year within which the state must acquire a new constitution, only then would he decide whether to retire or otherwise. He is Changchun for an official visit where he learns that the Manchu people’s yearning to be liberated from japan had been going on for over twenty years, he is overcome by an emotional stroke and breaks down but this rekindles his resolve to serve the people. He takes oath the next day , a ceremony witnessed by a flood of dignitaries from across the region. The ceremony is drenched in officialdom with the founders of the Japanese nation present , the presentation of the seal of the chief executive and a final proclaimation of the chief executive. A reception of foreign guests entails the congratulatory address and raising of the new flag ending in a banquet. Official state business begins with the signing of a list of appointees to ministerial portfolios, to which he promptly appends his approval.(P.3) The events of the ceremony are impressive and uplifts his spirits despite the fact that the public swearing in puts him at an exposed position, he thinks. On the other hand, he is convinced that a great working relationship with the Japanese will guarantee him protection and even recovery of his imperial title. He views the current portfolio as a steppingstone to regaining his lost imperial title. The new chief executive is excited in his new job and makes three promises to himself. First he intends to work very hard and diligently unlike in the last ten years, according to Chen Pao-Shen. Secondly he promises not to rest until he regains his lost ancestral heritage. Lastly he wishes to get an heir to carry on the lineage of the Ching dynasty. Deception looms when he begins to realise that his new portfolio has not obligations and that his powers only exist on paper.The laws of Manchukio are crystal clear on the roles of the chief executive with legislative, executive and judicial provisions. Puyi establishes the structure and does the appointments. He commands the armed forces and has power of amnesty among many other influencial privileges. It dawns on him that he does not even have those powers himself when he finds himself in confinement and constant surveillance from the japanese garndames and security bureau. The retinue of officials paying call to his office only exchange pleasantries without commitment to discussing serious state business.  The Japanese have in essence designed the Manchukio state to be a puppet regime, as they come to discover. The new state is supposed to be premised on tenets of friendship and racial equality, but the Manchukio ministers’ realization that Japanese officials payscale is 40 percent higher...
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